Increase in human allergies inc. asthma – reason? – children allergic to cats – spread of cat/dog allergen – environment – lifestyle

Allergens and allergies

A Guardian article online interests me because an allergy to cats affects around 10% of people (is this an underestimate?). The conclusion of the Guardian article is that more and more of us are suffering from allergies. Medicines are struggling to keep up. Theresa MacPhail completed a monumental task of looking at the development …

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Cleaning products linked to children’s asthma but what about cats and dogs?

Household sprays can cause asthma in kids. What about cats and dogs?

There is another report in the news about a study suggesting that an exposure to household cleaning products is linked to an increased risk of asthma and wheezing in children. The researchers looked at more than 2,000 children and found that the numerous cleaning products, so ubiquitous in households up and down the UK, …

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Rapid development of sneezing and asthma in person allergic to cats is due to the tiny size of the cat allergen

Allergy to cats

When a person who is allergic to cats is even in the same home as a domestic cat they might rapidly show symptoms of their allergy by itching, sneezing and coughing etc.. The reason for the rapid onset of these symptoms of asthma and rhinitis is the minuscule size of the allergen that comes …

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