Karongwe Reserve: Lion Conservation or Canned Hunts?

Karongwe is a 22,000-acre private, fenced game reserve in South Africa. It is 250 miles north-east of Johannesburg. A British agency, Global Vision International (GVI), recruits paying volunteers to work at the reserve. The recruits pay more than £1,000 per week to assist in lion conservation by tracking the movement of lions and recording …

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Australia is Against Canned Lion Hunts in South Africa

I’m pleased to see that Greg Hunt, Australia’s environment minister, has announced that he is banning imports of lion body parts into Australia.  The intention, as I see it, is to stop Australian citizens going to South Africa to shoot lions, corralled in enclosures and specially bred for the purpose.  This is canned lion …

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Britain, supposedly a land of animal lovers, is facilitating the boom in canned lion hunting

Canned lion hunt

Britain, supposedly a land of animal lovers, is facilitating the boom in canned lion hunting by allowing South African safari canned hunt operators to present their businesses at the Great British Shooting Show in Birmingham next February which describes “the dark continent of Africa” as “the ultimate hunting safari experience”. Canned hunting is nothing …

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Canned Hunting: A Man-made Abomination

Many of us who are concerned about the environment and our wildlife may find hunting a subject that is extremely controversial. I can’t understand why folks take pleasure in hunting as a sport. However, due to wild animal habitat destruction caused by overbuilding and commercialization along with a lack of natural animal predators, the …

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Canned Lion Hunting In South Africa

by Michael He is worth £20,000 shot dead – Photo by Martin_Heigan 28-12-09: Canned Lion Hunting In South Africa is an abomination to all decent minded people yet it is popular enough and it is accepted by the authorities no doubt for financial reasons (isn’t it always?). Yet there is talk about it being …

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South Africa plans to close down captive lion industry

The captive lion industry. A fictional image created by AI.

The captive lion industry in South Africa (SA) includes: The captive lion industry of SA is highly exploitative and an abuse of lions which treats them worse than livestock. The only lions in SA should be protected in lion reserves/parks, which is the long-term goal. A complete transition then? A 246-page report has been …

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‘Exotic big cats for sale’ – an enforced worldwide ban is needed

Lion cubs for sale

People shouldn’t be searching for ‘exotic big cats for sale’ because it encourages and keeps in business exotic big cat breeders and these breeders should not exist in my considered view. It also devalues and demeans the big cats, iconic species and animal totems, which have been worshipped in some cultures for eons. They …

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