For improved health schoolchildren should do the cat litter and other cat chores in the evening

Yeh, time to do the cat litter tray and play with the family cat!

Here’s something for parents to get a hold of; something which might create a bit of fiction in the home but which will benefit the children and the family cat. There’s a study out at the moment published in The Times conducted at the University of Exeter which came to the conclusion that if …

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Corn-based cat litter can be food for pests which is a downside

Corn based cat litter pellets

There must be some upsides in buying corn-based cat litter but I’m focusing on the downsides here. The major downsides emanate from the obvious fact that corn is a food. Not only food for people but pests including worms. A contributor to this website said that she received a voucher for corn-based litter and …

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Rarely, cat litter made from corn can be contaminated with aflatoxins

Corn contaminated with aflatoxin

This is something which has been on the Internet for a while and which I have been slow to pick up on. Although I was reasonably prompt in picking up the possibility of aflatoxin contaminating dry cat food because there was a huge scare, indeed a scandal regarding dry cat food contaminated with this …

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What is the best location for a cat litter tray?

Cat and their cat litter tray

The first point to address is that the litter tray should be positioned to suit your cat and not the cat’s caregiver! This means that it might be better in the living room where you won’t want it but your cat might like it there. Anyway, if you live in a small apartment, it …

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Best self-cleaning cat litter trays (infographic)

Sel-cleaning cat litter tray

First up: I am not getting commission on these recommendations :). I am just doing this to try and help. The infographic is based on Amazon sales. It is a good guide provided one treats reviews with a little caution. There are an extraordinary number of self-cleaning cat and dog litter boxes from different …

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Cat litter substrate compared (infographic)

Cat digging around in cat litter

‘Substrate’ refers to the litter material e.g. clay or wood. Each type has its pluses and minuses. Personally, when my cat was using a litter tray, I used wood substrate. I found it good at odour suppression and it is relatively good for the environment. But, of course, I leave it to each cat …

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Flushing cat litter down the loo can transmit Toxocara eggs to others and block sewers

Flushing cat litter down the loo can spread Toxocara eggs to others and block sewers.

Water company comment on this In the UK, Collette Parker, Anglian Water customer engagement manager, said: This kind of animal waste should never be flushed down the loo. Although rare, dog and cat poo can carry Toxocara, which is one of the very few bacteria [they mean parasite] that we are unable to eliminate …

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