Cat tongue taste bud locations. Infographic.

I confirmed some of the information in the infographic by discussing it with AI (ChatGPT). Here is a transcript of that conversation. I started by reading Dr Desmond Morris’s book Catlore on this topic, hence the question in the dialogue. Question: Can domestic cats taste sweetness? Response: No, domestic cats cannot taste sweetness. Cats, …

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The ‘cat tap’ as a form of cat-to-human communication

The cat tap as a form of cat-to-human communication

The ‘cat tap’ is a form of cat-to-human communication which impresses me and my cat employs it. What I like about it is that the cat devised this all on their own. They were not taught this effective method of catching the attention of their caregiver and what’s doubly impressive is that the cat …

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Domestic dogs and cats have smaller brains than wild wolves and wildcats because of domestication

In general domestic dogs have smaller brains relative to body size compared to wild wolves

It is no surprise to me and perhaps others that both domestic dogs and cats have smaller brains than their wild cousins from whom they have descended: the grey wolf for dogs and the Eurasian wildcat for cats. The reason is obvious: domestication, which has removed the challenges for survival and the lesser need …

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The story of the new taxonomic classification of the ‘clouded tiger-cat’

Fictional representation of a new subspecies of Oncilla called the 'clouded tiger-cat'

The experts have concluded after careful analysis that there is a new subspecies of Oncilla on the planet and they’ve called it the ‘clouded tiger-cat’. This story is about the reclassification taxonomically of an existing species of small wild cat so that it has been ‘carved out’ of an existing classification when it was …

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Educationally challenged, poorer Chinese residents are in the socio-economic group more likely to have problems with community cats in China

The treatment of community cats in China is dependent on where they are and the educational attainment of the residents. In general community cats are treated better in China than news media sometimes portrays.

In contrast to what Westerners might perceive as a generally difficult relationship between Chinese residents and feral cats, a study published on 5 February 2024 concluded that it is primarily a “vulnerable group” of residents which have difficulty in dealing with community cats in the urban environment both in terms of their relationship with …

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Small wild cat species common names and scientific names plus lineage and location


Here is a complete list of wild cat species common names and their alternative scientific names which are always in Latin. I think you will find that there is potential for disagreement over the number of small wild cat species due to continuing discussions about taxonomy. Lineage Scientific name Common name Geographic location Bay …

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‘Needy’ cats are a natural consequence of cat domestication

This short post came to me while I was out buying the paper. 😉 Sometimes domestic cats are gently criticised for being too needy. What this means is that they are constantly approaching their owner, getting underfoot, demanding to be allowed onto their owner’s lap and generally instigating interactions all the time which might …

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