Cheetah Speed

In this article about cheetah speed, I have used as a primary source of information, an academic research paper published in the Journal of Mammalogy 1959. This paper compares the running methods of the cheetah to the horse. Although I have not referred to all of this paper. The horse is a useful benchmark as …

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Cheetah description – its whole body is designed for speed

Cheetah description

The cheetah is built for high speed over short distances. It is similar in size to the leopard but much slimmer and rangier. The cheetah has a deep chest and lanky legs. The tail is long for balance but about one half the body and head length. The background colour varies from “tawny to grayish-white to bright …

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Why do small cats (domestic, caracals, servals, etc.) have pointed ears and big cats (lion, tiger, cheetah, etc.) have rounded ones? Is there an adaptive function to the ear shape?

Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

The question in the title is malformed. It is inaccurate but I have taken it direct from For a start, the caracal and serval are not small cats. They are medium-sized wild cats. Also, a genuinely small cat which happens to be a cute-looking wild cat, the sand cat, has enormous and round …

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What’s faster: greyhound or cheetah?

Cheetah versus greyhound speed

The question asks if the top speed of the greyhound is faster than that of the cheetah or vice versa. Therefore, I’m not going to go into a long discussion about the endurance and acceleration of these two animals (but see below). I’m simply going to set down for the record what I think …

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Infographic on cheetah description

cheetah description

This is a free-to-use infographic describing the cheetah. It has to be very compact but the salient points are made. The cheetah is almost entirely built for speed. It is the way the cat has evolved. It’s talent and ability to catch prey is built around speed at up to around 70 mph (max) …

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5-cheetah male coalition breaks up with the ousting and killing of their leader

Cheetah brothers contemplate crossing swollen river

A 5-cheetah male coalition which roamed over the Masai Marra and which became famous has broken up. The harmony within the group called the “magnificent five” was shattered. They dominated their territory and rivals in the game reserve and were often photographed. A famous photograph is of them traversing a boiling river taken by …

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