Possible cat contraceptive injection for the not-too-distant future

Cat contraception

Today, The New York Times reports on cat contraception. This, as I see it, is the Holy Grail for many people concerned about the procreation of stray and feral cats. TNR programs are effective in a limited way because they are conducted in a limited way. The task is too big to control the …

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Scientists have designed a contraceptive to limit gray squirrel numbers so why not feral cats?

Grey squirrel in my garden

On reading the story about the creation of a contraceptive specifically designed to reduce the population size of gray squirrels in the UK, I immediately thought of the feral cat in Australia. If you want to do something humane for feral cats on the planet, think of the feral cats of Australia where they …

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Immunocontraceptives as a potential feral cat population management tool

Virally-vectored immunocontraceptives as a potential population management tool

I have just seen a tweet from Ellen Cottingham of the University of Melbourne, Australia. The tweet is below. It seemed to be saying to me that in Australia’s drive to eradicate feral cats from their continent they have tried everything and are now looking at feline immunocontraceptives as a potential population management tool. …

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Humane Society to try oral contraceptives on feral cats on Galveston Island

Cat stalking bird Galveston

The Galveston County Daily News reports that the Galveston Island Humane Society is thinking about trying an oral contraceptive on feral cats on the island in conjunction with standard TNR programs. Jim Stevenson – world’s most notorious cat website troll It’s very interesting to note that on this island lives the most famous cat …

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Cat Contraceptive

Cat Contraceptive

Cat owners are not used to discussing cat contraceptives because it is commonplace to neuter and spay domestic cats. Why aren’t cat contraceptives more popular? It is probably because (1) cats are the patients rather than people and it is easier and more certain to spay female cats than to administer contraceptives and (2) …

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Contraceptive Darts to Control Feral Cat Populations?

Noting that contraceptive darts are currently being used against wild horses in Wales to keep their population numbers down, I did a bit of Internet searching to see whether contraceptive darts had ever been used to control feral cat populations. The answer appears to be a definitive No. There may be a number of …

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Feral, stray and domestic cat contraception roundup. Infographic.

Cat contraception would be wonderful especially for feral cats with a focus on the persecuted feral cats of Australia. Think of the huge amount of pain and distress caused to feral cats by the authorities on that continent in an effort to make feral cats extinct through shooting and poisoning. Contraception would be painless …

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