Think of Delhi’s cats and dogs in the city’s worst airborne pollution in 40 years

The smog of Delhi harms pets and people

The report is that Delhi is suffering its worst smog in 40 years. Of course, the story concerns how people are suffering. But what about the pet dogs and cats living in that sprawling city? The airborne pollution is choking the city. The Scottish historian William Dalrymple has lived in Delhi for 40 years …

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Baby red panda probably died from stress of fireworks reminding us how they can affect cats and dogs

Zoo fears red panda cub died from stress caused by fireworks

Anyone who lives with a cat or dog and is truly concerned about their welfare will hate fireworks or they should do in my honest opinion. I detest fireworks. And it is not only because I’m concerned about my cat. It’s because they are noisy. I don’t understand why people like to listen to …

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Dogs with smaller brains relative to overall size are cleverer thanks to selective breeding

Dogs with small brains relative to overall size are cleverer due to selective breeding

Left alone, nature operates natural selection, a process which leads to cleverer animals surviving more successfully. This led to the evolution of larger brained animals and ultimately to the dominance of humans over all animals. But for dogs selective breeding has interrupted this process with a research study deciding that dogs with smaller brains …

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Dogs and cats can be the most difficult family ‘asset’ to divide in divorce

Cats and dogs can be the hardest to divide in divorce

Under the law in the UK, and in most other countries, cats and dogs are regarded as inanimate objects; in old-fashioned English they are “chattels”. To a couple who are divorcing they are far more than chattels. They are family members and there is often, nearly always, a close emotional bond between animal and …

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Giant detection rats as good as dogs sniff out wildlife body parts in East Africa

Sniffer rats

The world hates rats. Unfair. Speciesism in action. Although, some people love them and this story may change the public profile of this much maligned ‘pest’ so mercilessly persecuted by humans. They are smart and eminently trainable with memories as good as the best sniffer dogs. Being a lot smaller they can rummage around …

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Ohio cat cruelty law covers ALL cats from domestic to feral. Same for dogs.

Ohio's law prohibiting serious physical harm to companion animals extends to ALL dogs and cats. - Ohio Supreme Court.

Thanks in part to a submission by Alley Cat Allies as an interested third party but not directly involved in the case in question (State v. Kyles), the Ohio Supreme Court very recently clarified the law on cruelty to cats and indeed other companion animals by widening the definition of ‘companion animal’ as stated …

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Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that dog walkers take out?

Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together?

Following the tragic death of Natasha Johnston, 28, from Croydon, south London, after being attacked by the dogs that she was walking as a professional dog walker, a coroner has written to the Home Secretary in the UK to recommend restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together. Note: some UK …

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Paddling dogs pollute ponds with flea and tick treatment insecticides. Infographic.

Paddling dogs pollute ponds with flea treatment insecticides. Infographic.

Dogs love ponds. They love playing in water. And many have received flea and tick treatments. Many of which are based on the insecticides fipronil and imidacloprid. These are toxic to bees and insects in general. You can see the problem, which has been highlighted in a recent study, the results of which are …

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