Home treatment for cat ear mites

Ear mite

Treating your cat’s ear mites is possible at home provided (a) you do it in conjunction with veterinary advice to first positively identify ear mites as the cause of the health problem and (b) your vet has examined the cat and determined that the ear drums are intact and (c) you clean your cat’s …

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How can indoor cats get ear mites?

Ear mite

Other associated questions are: “Where do ear mites come from? and how do cats get ear mites?” Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) are about the size of a pinhead. Indoor cats get ear mites from another cat or a dog who has access to the outside. Kittens can get them from their mother while in …

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Veterinarian puts ear mites in his ear

Vet puts ear mites in his ear

This is an intriguing story because it illustrates what a domestic cat feels when they have an infestation of ear mites (Otodectes cyanotis). It is going the extra mile and it took a bit of courage for a veterinarian, Dr Lopez, to scoop a gram of “ear mite exudate” from a domestic cat and …

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Can my cat give me ear mites?

Can cats give ear mites to humans?

Don’t be alarmed because it is appears to be infinitesimally rare but cats can give humans ear mites causing otitis externa. ‘Otitis externa’ means an inflammation or infection of the external part of the ear canal, the part from the ear drum to the outside. It took me about 20 minutes to research this …

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