Jack Gough, of the Invasive Species Council (Australia), lies about feral cats causing 25 species extinctions


Jack Gough is the advocacy director at the Invasive Species Council. He said the following about feral cats and the extinction of native Australian species: “Feral cats have sent at least 25 of our native species extinct since they were introduced by Europeans over 200 years ago. Large numbers of our native species are …

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Blowing up rabbits to get rid of feral cats in Australia

Called ‘rabbit warren ripping’ it is blowing up a lot or rabbits to try and remove a prey animal of the feral cat

The latest wheeze by the Australian authorities to keep down the feral cat population on their continent is to blowup rabbits and their homes. Rabbits are a prey animal for feral cats and the argument is that if you destroy rabbits you destroy feral cats because they might starve to death which I think …

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Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners implied that Kristen Lindsey was indoctrinated into shooting feral cats

Lindsey was indoctrinated into believing that shooting feral cats was acceptable

I was provoked into briefly revisiting the notorious Kristen Lindsey case which is still pretty fresh in my mind even though it was closed on October 20th 2016 in a final court order against her which suspended her practicing certificate for five years with four years on probation in I believe an amendment to …

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A question about a feral cat’s aggressive behavior

Aggressive feral cat

By Karen (Vermont): I have had many strays. This particular cat was hiding in our shed and wood pile as a kitten all last winter. Now it is coming right up to the house meowing and hissing for food. In the last three weeks it has become more demanding and agitated. The other day …

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For TNR to operate there can’t be a law that forbids feeding feral cats

TNR work

TNR – trap-neuter-release is a well-versed aspect of feral cat control. It is conducted all over the US and many other countries. The TNR programs are run by happy and committed volunteers for which they deserve the praise of the communities in which they live. Feeding feral cats is part and parcel of TNR …

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It’s impossible to kill all Australia’s feral cats but they go on killing them

Aussie feral cat in the arid interior hunting small marsupials and mammals

It’s nice to read that some Australian citizens including some Australian scientists strongly disagree with the war against feral cats in Australia which takes place daily and nightly in order to try and protect the small mammals and marsupials in the outback. The scientists who organise the killing of feral cats such as Dr. …

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Remote Scottish island overrun by feral cats sparking concern for wildlife

Remote Scottish island overrun by feral cats sparking concern for wildlife

The headline is somewhat startling. Australians, reading this article, would be horrified because the authorities in Australia are super-sensitive to feral cat predation of native species. And the reason why feral cats are on the island of Australia is because of human carelessness in the first-place hundreds of years ago. And here, today, we …

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