What is a Flame Point Himalayan cat?

Flame point Himmie

‘Flame point’ is an alternative name for red point while Himalayan is an alternative name for a long-haired Persian. A flame point Himalayan is a red pointed long-haired Persian cat as shown in the photographs below: Sometimes people shorten ‘Himalayan’ to ‘Himmie’. The term ‘flame’ is only used instead of red when it occurs …

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Thanks to a microchip, a blue-eyed Himalayan cat missing since 2015 has been reunited with his owner

Thanks to a microchip, a blue-eyed Himalayan cat missing since 2015 has been reunited with his owner in Anchorage, Alaska. Winter went missing three and a half years ago when he disappeared from his new adoptive home on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. That was in August 2015. He’d only been in his new home with …

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Himalayan cat climbs the Everest of survivability and comes through without food or water for about 30 days.


This is hardly believable but the source is reliable. Delilah, a two-year-old purebred Himalayan cat (pointed Persian) was abandoned in a locked apartment. Yes, it is hard to believe that a cat owner could walk away from their cat in such a manner. It appears that neither food nor water was put down for …

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Give Persian and Himalayan Cats Room to Breathe with the Help of Regulations

Flat-faced Persian

Both the Persian and the Himalayan cats are breeds known as brachycephalic. This, as you may know, means a skull and face which is, in a general sense, round. In the Persian and Himalayan cat it means that the face is, in fact, flat. The face is compressed. In both dogs and cats (and …

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Himalayan Cat with Dali Whiskers

A Helmi Flick cat picture. Salvador Dali had an outrageous moustache in later life. This cute seal pointed Persian (called a Himalayan cat in America) has whiskers that remind me of Dali’s moustache. That might sound odd but each to their own, I say. Or in France, chacun son truc. Here is a picture …

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Himalayan Cat Picture

Himalayan Cat Picture Another fine Himalayan cat picture by Helmi Flick. This is a flame pointed Persian cat. Her name is “Cheri”. She is a modern or contemporary Persian. You probably know that the are two distinct types of Persian or Himalayan cat, (1) ultra typed (extreme bred) and (2) traditional. I have used …

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Himalayan Cat Rescue

Himalayan Cat Rescue is a subject that interests concerned cat lovers/fanciers so I decided to build this short page on the subject. Why short? Well, because I have already covered the subject of Persian cat rescue in detail, both in respect of the world (but almost entirely the USA) and for the UK. As …

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