Why does the Manx cat have no tail?

Manx cat

Although there are ten imaginative hypotheses as to why Manx cats have no tails, there is one genuine and less colourful reason which is that the Manx gene cropped up spontaneously as a naturally occurring mutation on the Isle of Man centuries ago. This gene became established because of prolonged inbreeding amongst the tailless …

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Are Manx cats born without tails?

The answer is both Yes and No. Yes, when a Manx cat has no tail or a short tail this is how he/she was born and there is no change throughout the cat’s life. No, because not all Manx cats are born without a tail. Such is the variety of tail length that breeders …

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How do Manx breeders create healthy cats?

I am interested in how breeders of the Manx cat are able to create healthy cats. We know that the gene that causes taillessness in the Manx is a nasty gene, which potentially causes severe health problems in living Manx cats and which causes the death of embryos before birth. Kittens die before birth …

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Manx Cats and Poop

Manx cat

Spina bifida, which is part of a bundle of illnesses called “Manx Syndrome” can affect Manx cats (“is common in Manx cats¹”). Amongst other things Spina bifida causes faecal incontinence – the cat cannot keep the anus closed. Some Manx are also urine incontinent. Some have recurring constipation with megacolon. Other possible problems with spina …

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