Male domestic cat neutering effect on mating behaviour and longevity. Infographic.

The infographic summarises the information that I wish to publish in this article while I have extended the discussion below it. Male domestic cat neutering – effect on mating behaviour and longevity. Infographic. by Michael Broad SOME MORE ON THIS TOPIC (the infographic is a very brief summary of what is stated below). Research …

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Why do people think declawing a cat is inhumane but neutering is not? Isn’t neutering more painful?

63 jurisdictions ban cat declawing as at Dec 2023

Well, it is a question that of often asked. But the answer is clear and to be honest obvious. Neutering is necessary sadly as without sterilising domestic cats there would be even more homeless cats, more misery and more shelter killings. Declawing is entirely unnecessary as there are alternative ways. Also declawing can cause …

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Insight into how male domestic cats FEEL and behave after prepubertal neutering in reference to men who underwent the same operation

Castrated male cats feel and behave like castrated men. That's my thought.

We are so used to male cats being neutered i.e. castrated, which entails the removal of the cat’s testes, that we hardly think about it. Typically male cat castration takes place before puberty. It is called prepubertal neutering or a prepubertal gonadectomy. You won’t find any literature or very little information about how male …

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Kotor Kitties is a brilliant non-profit spaying and neutering cats in Montenegro


This is an article about Kotor Kitties. They have a nice website which tells you how they started. How they grew into an international organisation. The start is always interesting and vitally important. What motivated April Lynn King, a volunteer, board member and a co-founder of Kotor Kitties? She lives in Seattle which, I …

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Trapping, spaying and neutering, and rehoming or releasing (TNR) stray cats is an act of kindness and not a crime.

Trapping, spaying and neutering, and rehoming or releasing (TNR) stray cats is an act of kindness, not a crime. Right? Apparently not in Wetumpka, Alabama where Judge Jeff Courtney convicted two ‘cat ladies’ on Tuesday of several charges. Beverly Roberts, 85, and Mary Alston, 61, were convicted on four counts and received a punishment …

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How male cat neutering affects their appearance

The effect of neutering male cats on their appearance

Am I the only person who is concerned about the effect that neutering has on a male domestic cat’s appearance? There is almost nothing, perhaps there is absolutely nothing, on the Internet or in the books that I have on whether people are concerned about the effect of neutering on the appearance of male …

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Spaying and neutering versus declawing in domestic cats

Why kittens are born with claws and why cats need them. Poster by Ruth - aka Kattaddorra.

There are some people who say that there is little difference between declawing domestic cats and spaying and neutering them. They are both modifications of the domestic cat. It is people taking the whole domestic cat, a beautiful animal, and modifying them in terms of their anatomy to suit the human environment and lifestyle. …

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Does neutering male cats make them less strong?

Does neutering male cats make then less strong?

I have concluded that neutering male cats is likely to make them less strong. The word “neutering” applies to male cats, as you probably know, although it can also be an umbrella term for spaying and neutering. It is the removal of their testes (testicles). As you might also know, the operation is considered …

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