How do you define cat obesity and human obesity?

2022 - the world's most obese domestic cat

The definition for obesity if different for cats and people. Surprisingly for domestic cats ‘obesity’ is defined as ‘greater than 15% above an ideal weight’. Not much above an ideal weight which is why a lot of domestic cats fall into the obese category. Obesity is the ‘most prevalent nutritional problem in pets in …

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How does obesity affect cats?

The question in the title is current as according to VCA Hospitals in the United States, almost 60% of domestic cats in that country are overweight. There is a domestic cat overweight problem in the UK as well.  A domestic cat is considered overweight when they weigh 10-20% more than their ideal body weight, …

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Lack of self-discipline is the main cause of obesity in pets

Obese tabby cat

Twice as many dogs are overweight in America than 10 years ago and it’s worse for cats. Banfield Pet Hospital, a chain of hospitals in America, is well positioned to collect data to allow them to analyze trends in the health of America’s companion animals. They’ve come up with a startling conclusion which is …

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Veterinarians are failing patients in pet obesity epidemic

Veterinarians don't tackle cat obesity issues

Veterinarians in North America are failing their cat patients because they don’t want to address head on the sensitive subject of cat obesity with their clients for fear of offending them. There are other reasons one of which might be that veterinarians are often tied to pet food manufacturers such as Hills whose main product is dry cat food. This restrains the vet’s ability to discuss diet.

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