Discussion: Do any of you have cats who returned from the ‘Rainbow Bridge?’

When I posted the photo for this article on a black cat appreciation group of which I’m a member, I started gaining comments confirming my belief in cats coming back after they’ve crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. Have any of you had cats who returned to you from the Rainbow Bridge? A black …

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The Feline Rainbow Bridge: A Very Special Place in Heaven

No words are sufficient to convey the heartbreak felt when we lose a beloved kitty. Since our cats are part of our family, the pain we feel is often devastating. When I first came across the “Rainbow Bridge” poem, thinking that when it is time I would once again be reunited with all the …

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Have you ever been lucky enough to see a Disneyland cat? Answers on Reddit.com.

The feral cats of Disneyland Anaheim

Reddit.com is Google’s favourite at the moment. A big favorite. And they have a ‘sub-reddit’ (a reddit discussion topic) about Disneyland. An ideal opportunity to rely on the small army of Reddit users to answer the question in the title: Have you ever been lucky enough to see a Disneyland cat? Which was lifted …

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