RSPCA Barrow paints a picture of a broken human-to-cat relationship

Can you afford to care for your cat to a high standard? Are you pressed financially to do it?

I’ve just been surfing the Internet and bumped into a story about the RSPCA in Barrow, UK. This is Barrow-in-Furness which is just south of the Lake District National Park. It’s in the north of England and there is a slightly different culture in the north compared to the south in general and it …

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Workshy Britain? How does this affect the human-to-cat relationship?

Workshy Britain. Nearly 10m now ‘economically inactive’. How does this impact the human-to-cat relationship?

OPINION: Although this is my opinion, I think it is silently shared by millions of others; namely that a significant segment of British society has become workshy. And a significant section of this segment are leaning on self-diagnosed, vague or flexible illnesses such as ADHD or the dyslexia spectrum (mild to severe) to excuse …

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Owning your cat versus being in a relationship with your cat

Take the species out of the equation and you are left with a relationship with your cat rather than owning your cat.

It’s important in terms of high standards of cat caregiving to be in a proper relationship with your cat rather than believing that you own them. An attitude which allows a person to feel that they own their cat is not likely to lead to a relationship which promotes cat welfare in the best …

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Big bad China is scared of PUPPIES! A dysfunctional relationship with dogs.

Puppy in China is muzzled otherwise the police would kill the animal

“Owner has to muzzle a PUPPY or the pup would be taken and beaten to death by Chinese police”. This is the claim of an animal advocate on Twitter X: Phaedra. She does not tell us why the police would kill the dog or puppy. I can only guess: the Chinese devalue dogs hugely. …

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Cat’s meow is a reflection of the kitten-to-surrogate mother relationship we have with them

Cat's meow

There are two very well-known biologists and cat behaviourists who, in my view, agree on this point which is that the domestic cat sees us as surrogate mothers. We don’t quite know how they really process their observations of us but in terms of their behaviour towards us it reflects a kitten-to-mother relationship. These …

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The kind of relationship you want to see between child and animal

Young girl enjoys the company of the family cat

The behaviour of the young girl in the video interacting with the family cat should be the parenting objective of all mothers and fathers as it will promote animal welfare going forward and improve the lives of both the cat and the child in the video. Of course, the parenting includes educating the child …

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