Baby red panda probably died from stress of fireworks reminding us how they can affect cats and dogs

Zoo fears red panda cub died from stress caused by fireworks

Anyone who lives with a cat or dog and is truly concerned about their welfare will hate fireworks or they should do in my honest opinion. I detest fireworks. And it is not only because I’m concerned about my cat. It’s because they are noisy. I don’t understand why people like to listen to …

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INFOGRAPHIC explains trans-generational effects of prenatal stress in cats and other mammals

Trans-generational effects of prenatal stress in cats and other mammals in an infographic

‘Trans-generational’ means: through the generations i.e. something that is passed down or extends across multiple generations. In various contexts, it describes processes, effects, behaviors, or patterns that are inherited or transmitted from one generation to the next. ‘Prenatal’ means: relating to the medical and other care given to pregnant females before their offspring are born. I have converted this interesting research (cited below) into …

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Great-grandchildren of mums stressed before giving birth are also stressed

A mother stressed before giving birth passes that anxiety down the generations

This is a Royal Society Open Science study which should interest everyone including breeders of cats. I have to get cats into the article! But seriously it is information which should concern cat and dog breeders as well as humans. It is important I feel. In my opinion, the finding of the research is …

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Human stress smell makes dogs (and cats?) more pessimistic

Whiff of human stress makes dogs more pessimistic

This is an interesting study. It’s about dogs but I believe that it could just as well be about dogs and cats. Or indeed many other companion animals. In earlier studies the researchers found that the smell of a stressed person can subconsciously affect the state of mind of people nearby (emotional contagion). This …

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Spending quality time with dogs reduces stress and anxiety (study)

Spending time with dogs makes you more creative and reduces stress and anxiety according to this research

Spending quality time with dogs can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels and it can make you more creative according to a recently published study on the Internet on the PLOS ONE website entitled “Psychophysiological and emotional effects of human–Dog interactions by activity type: An electroencephalogram study”. Diverse activities between humans and dogs …

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4 steps a cat owner cat take to help prevent stress-induced cystitis

The potential for cat stress caused by anxiety is an important component in a cat caregiver's knowledge

I believe that this topic is an important part of cat caregiving as domestic cats are likely to be stressed more often than cat owners typically believe. Up to two-thirds of cats taken to a vet for urination problems including bloody urine and inappropriate urination have no health issues. But they have an inflamed …

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Awarding fixed damages for emotional distress on criminal damage to cats and dogs

I award $2,000 for emotional distress on the loss of you cat!

Judges should be under a legal obligation to award fixed damages for emotional distress in a claim for compensation for the illegal loss or injury of a cat or dog. In this article I’m referring to the way the courts undervalue companion dogs and cats and indeed other animals. If a person’s dog or …

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