Cat’s whiskers curl up into her eyes. Should the owner trim them?

Cat with 2 individual whiskers that curl up and touch both her eyes

In the photo you can see 2 individual whiskers curling up into this cat’s eyes but the owner says that their cat is unperturbed (but they might be mistaken). The picture is strange and a bit disturbing. The owner of the cat asks other users whether they should trim the two individual whiskers. …

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Stable isotopes in cats’ whiskers tell us that domestic cats who hunt tend to leave prey uneaten

Cat with mouse at door locked out as forbidden to bring prey animals in

Stable isotopes in hair can reveal dietary protein sources. Scientists from the University of Exeter, UK, trimmed a whisker from each domestic cat participating in their study; once at the start and once at the end of the study. These domestic cats were allowed outside to hunt. They measured the stable isotope ratios in …

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