Researchers accuse 29 certified European zoos of gross neglect

Fictional image of zoo bear in unsuitable enclosure

Dozens of zoos across Europe including in Britain have been accused of gross neglect by a charity after an 18-month investigation which unearthed thousands of apparent breaches of animal welfare standards. The researchers visited 29 zoos and aquariums. They found, for example, elephants locked outside in the cold. Bears shut in concrete-walled enclosures. While …

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Infographic on making zoos better places for big cats

Tiger at a zoo

This is a compact infographic on making zoos better places for big cats. Many zoos in the West and developed countries have almost certainly adopted these techniques and more but we don’t have to look far to find abysmal zoos in developing countries which are frankly examples of animal cruelty where big cats pace …

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Can captive big cats in zoos get Covid-19 from their food?

Can big cats in Indian zoos get Covid-19 from their food?

It has been reported that eight Asiatic lions at the Hyderabad Zoo in India have been infected with Covid-19. The number may be higher and it is thought that the transmission to lions at this zoo is due to the massive surge in infections among humans in India, which we have all heard about. …

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Pallas’s cats at zoos infected with Toxoplasma gondii

Pallas's cat in Mongolia

Pallas’s cat is sometimes referred to as ‘Pallas cat’. The former name is the accurate one together with Manul. The status of this small wild cat species in captivity was and probably remains precarious. They are considered to be a highly desirable exhibit and sought after by zoos. However, they suffer from a high …

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Is Calvin Klein perfume safe to use on big cats in zoos?

Is perfume safe to use to stimulate big cats at zoos?

Banham Zoo, Norfolk, UK: Banham Zoo has appealed for unwanted perfumes from visitors because they are a ‘roaring success’ with the big cats as they ‘respond very positively to unique scents when sprayed in their enclosures’. I see the importance of stimulating captive big cats because they have a very boring and unstimulated existence …

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Zoos should become extinct because they fail to educate and preserve

Zoos should be phased out

I am very happy that a millionaire conservationist who inherited a zoo from his parents has said that small zoos should be closed within ten years and the larger ones in 20-30 years. He’s going to convert his zoo to a rescue centre eventually. The reasons he provides are cogent. In fact when you …

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Do zoos help conservation?

Do zoos help with conservation?

It seems to me that there are three ways that zoos might be able to help conservation. These are: Educate the public about conservation Breed wild animals and then release them into the wild Employ scientists who do research and who run studies which enhances our knowledge of the wild animal species which in …

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