There is a petition to ban declawing in Washington, D.C.. This is a good idea because it is the capital of the United States. Banning it there may lead to a domino effect.

An interesting point was made by the person who set up the petition. There was a recent criminal prosecution of a person who tried to declaw his kittens himself. He made a grizzly mess of it and caused substantial damage and pain. His actions were deemed criminal: animal cruelty.
There is a fine difference between what he did and what veterinarians do. Vets cause a hell of a lot of pain but administer pain killers. Vets don’t get it right fairly often and leave the cat disabled and mentally damaged. Is there that much difference between DIY declaw and Professional declaw from a criminal standpoint?
The law seems to be saying that declawing is illegal but it is OK if vets do it. It is a very ambiguous legal situation, which is flawed, in my opinion.
Anyway, there is no harm in signing up to the petition. It’ll only take a few minutes and something just may happen.
This is the webpage. The link opens a new window or tab.
YES Isatoba declawing should be banned worldwide and we against it won’t rest untii it is!
Yes, a ban is long overdue. Declawing is so out of touch with modern life and what should be considered decent.
Ban declawing everywhere.
If I had a rant about spam there would be no more room left on this page – I’ll stick to lawns, it’s more practical 🙂
It annoys me but computer software is not perfect. There are glitches. However, it is necessary because for every real comment I receive at least 10 are spam.