Bezo-Pet paste for digestive tract lubrication

Bezo-Pet for hairballs
Bezo-Pet for hairballs and other obstructions

Suzy mentioned TigerLily’s problem with hairballs. Long haired cats can have problems with hairballs. They can cause obstructions. For Charlie (my cat) hairballs seem to have grazed the lining of his lower intestine or at least inflammed it slightly. He is a shorthaired cat with a single coat but he was grooming too much at one time.

My vet gave me a tube of Bezo-Pet®. It is called a “complimentary feeding stuff for use in cats”.

It is made up of water, oils and fats, cereal and sugar. Fat is by far the biggest constituent at 23.4%.

It is described as a

“paste in an oily base. It coats the stomach and the digestive/gastro-intestinal tracts with an oily layer where foreign bodies may cause obstructions..”

It helps prevent obstructions.

It is used for long haired cat breeds and moggies and for cats who don’t have the opportunity to chew on grass which provides some fibre and which induces vomiting to expel hairballs.

This product lubricates the digestive tract which aids natural movement in the tract. As it tastes nice a cat should eat it direct or it can be mixed with food.

Dosage for protection is 1 teaspoon 2-3 times per week and for lubrication (to fix a problem) once per day.

I hope this is of use to Suzy, TigerLily and others.


7 thoughts on “Bezo-Pet paste for digestive tract lubrication”

  1. I wonder that too Rose because Jozef is an absolute terror for dosing with anything at all and we’ve never found any hairball stuff he will accept without forcing it on him.

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