From Jay
My friend had this stray kitty wandering around the outside of her apartment and the momma cat was pregnant again and was shunning him away so I decided to take him in. Its been about 6 months and he’s part of the family now, however I’m wondering if anyone knows what breed he is. Jasper is 9 months old, very full of energy and plays a lot. His coat is long and grey/blueish in color.
Response from Michael
Hi Jay, thanks for visiting and asking. It is 100 to 1 on that Jasper is a moggie or random bred cat. In fact, if I am being honest whilst being respectful, it is certain that Jasper is random bred.
You probably know what “random bred” means. It describes 99.9% of all cats, mine included. These are cats with no recorded parentage (lineage) and the breeding that creates these cats takes place in a random manner as opposed to a cat breeder selecting cats to breed, the offspring of which are then recorded at cat associations making them pedigree purebred cats.
Read a bit more on this by clicking here.
The interesting thing is that all cats have some cat breed in them. So for example longhaired moggies in America have some Maine Coon in them. And shorthaired cats in America have some British and American Shorthair in them because all the US random bred domestic cats come from these cats. The Maine Coon is just a long haired farm cat from England and continental Europe, and then Maine, USA. While the shorthairs come from British moggie stock, which is the source of the British and American Shorthair cat breeds.
In fact you can go back further and say all long hairs probably have some Turkish Angora in them as this cat breed is the founder of long haired cats, in my opinion, with the Persian but they may be the same cat! Confusing.
I am sure Jasper is gorgeous and I say, well done in rescuing him. What you did was important and probably saved his life.
Jay? May we see a photo? don’t worry about pixels/resolution, whatever you’ve got. Does it even matter to you, at this point? No doubt, you love him with all your heart, or you wouldn’t have succumbed to his needing you! 😉
Some very interesting stuff Harvey. I just learned a little about DNA last semester at University. I agree that this cat may not be easily identifiable as any certain breed, but he is, at the very least a beautiful beast that brings an extra dose of love and affection to their home. A picture would be nice. There is really nothing I have to add to the debate. Great article Michael. Always love to help with cat questions.
Jay: Would LOVE to see a picture!