Capybara and Tabby Cat Picture

If only we could be this friendly. The Capybara is the world’s biggest rodent. Forget about the word “rodent”, which has connotations, and think about a nice animal who, in this case, has formed a close friendship with an attractive grey tabby-and-white domestic cat.

Capybara and tabby cat
Capybara and tabby cat. The photo is by Capybara Madness. Thank you

Uhmmm, this picture oozes friendship and these are two very different animal species. Humans are all one species, yet are unable to live in harmony. The picture makes me think about that, which is why it is published on the site.

I am a complete sucker for what I call inter-species pictures. The range of species is indefinite. You see dolphins and cats communicating to deer and cats, horses and cats, chimpanzees and cats, iguanas and cats, bears and cars, dogs and cats etc., all living harmoniously together.

As Dorothy says,

Animals can teach us so much. If only we could learn.

Agreed, big time. It seems we are unable to learn. I think it is because we have created such a competitive society driven by self-interest with a smidgen of arrogance.

Note: I am yet to discover who took the photo. Please come forward and I will provide a reward of your choice. Update: See caption to photo.

14 thoughts on “Capybara and Tabby Cat Picture”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. This is my photo. Apparently it has been edited to remove my logo. Reward you say? What could beat having a pet capybara?

  3. That is such a lovely picture, I too love to see different species of animals getting along together so well.
    Dorothy is so right ‘Animals can teach us so much. If only we could learn’

  4. Looks like a giant groundhog. Notice the cat in the photo is on a lead. That would be about the only explanation for the string I guess.

  5. Comment reply notification! Thank you! I really want to go back and comment on everyone else’s comments after I comment and I just don’t have the time. This will really help. thx

  6. I had to Pin this one (with POC credit) to Pinterest. It is just so fetching. I love the warmth, the love and the Capy’s snout reminds me of a (cows) calf’s snout. Love the pix.

  7. Beautifully written as usual Michael. The Capybara is so odd looking, the photograph almost looks cartoonish. But as we know, even a Gorilla can love and live in harmony with a cat. Thank you for always sharing this kind of relationship. I think it will help our species see the light.


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