Cat Hunters Association Fitted T-Shirt

I am surprised that sell Cat Hunters Association Fitted T-Shirts. Cafepress is a large, well established website business, which allows subscribers to sell personalized products that can be made up as ordered. It is like an online shop for anyone. The subscriber provides the designs and Cafepress provides the product such as T-shirt, mug, clock etc. and makes up the product to order. These are standard products [link to Cafepress page – new window/tab]

Cafepress cat hunters association t-shirts
Cafepress cat hunters association t-shirts

I would have thought that shooting a cat is automatically a form of cat cruelty and illegal. This is because there has to be some pain involved even if the cat dies quickly. Causing unnecessary suffering is animal cruelty and a crime in civilized society. Often the cat will be wounded etc. Remember the cause of the pain has to be unnecessary because it is for the hunter’s pleasure.

Taking Texas, a republican state with lots of guns, even there it is illegal to shoot a cat on most occasions (all occasions?).  I say “most occasions” as the law is not entirely clear to me. The law needs to be tightened up I feel. See some animal welfare law for a selection of US states.

What is clear is that even in Texas if a person shots and kills someone else’s cat that is wandering outdoors, it is a crime. This must happen because cat shooters shoot cats first and ask questions later.

Texas law – Offence

(b) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly:

(1) tortures an animal or in a cruel manner kills or causes serious bodily injury to an animal;

(2) without the owner’s effective consent, kills, administers poison to, or causes serious bodily injury to an animal;

So, Cafepress is promoting illegal activity, it appears. At the very least it is endorsing distasteful, and many people would say immoral, activity in selling these sick T-shirts.

I am also surprised to see that an organization such the Cat Hunters Association actual exists (or is it some sort of spoof?). It seems to be real, although they don’t have a website. Not surprising as it would be illegal, I would have thought. But to be selling products like this so brazenly out in the open would indicate that they feel immune to prosecution.

It almost seems as though shooting cats is de facto legal. It appears that in respect of shooting cats the law is unenforced and when that happens illegal activity is endorsed by the establishment, which is the opposite to the law maker’s intentions.

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