By Ruth aka Kattaddorra
Thanks to Kevin for inspiring this article by his comment that he and his sister are cat lovers and definitely not dog lovers.
There is no reason why a person can’t love both cats and dogs of course but most people favour one over the other. I do love dogs and we always had them at home when we were young as our late father was a lover of Alsatians and bred them at one time. The pups were gorgeous and we cried when they went to their new homes.
Then at my first job at a vets I brought home a collie puppy who had been ill-treated and I did love him and care for him of course, but I always longed for a cat.
I started at the bottom, the first vet I worked for had boarding kennels and cattery too, mucking out the kennels was a chore I never enjoyed but being young and fit I enjoyed walking the dogs.
However when I was moved on to cattery maid I was in Paradise, I loved it! Cleaning out the cats, grooming and feeding them wasn’t at all a chore, I could have done that part of the job forever! Since having cats myself I have never wanted another dog, cats are such wonderful creatures, they are clean, they are self-sufficient when needs be and they don’t need taking for walks like dogs do.
Even if it’s raining or snowing or a person is unwell, a dog needs to be taken for a walk, cats take themselves, or use a litter tray.

Some people say cats are a nuisance to neighbours, well not if they are cared for properly, all it takes is a cat friendly garden with a patch of earth regularly dug over for their toilet use, some grass to roll on, some catnip growing, some high sunny perches to sit on. Cats are wonderful companions and quiet too. Dogs often bark when left alone, some even bark when they aren’t alone and some dogs yap constantly!
A neighbour has one like that, a Yorkshire terrier X who yaps day and night, I don’t know how they put up with it, they put him in the garden for a bit of peace in the house and he yaps out there and sets their other little dog off barking at times too and then the rest of the neighbourhood dogs start and people who don’t have dogs yell SHUT UP.
That dog is far more irritating to our neighbourhood than any of the cats who live here. It annoys me if when answering problems someone says ‘What can I do, I’ve got a new puppy and the cat doesn’t like it, if they don’t get on soon the cat will have to go’ WHY should the cat go?This is a person who should never have had a cat as they obviously think the cat is obviously a second class citizen to the dog!
Cats love their territory and having a puppy intrude without a careful and patient introduction to each other is very unfair.
Most cats and dogs can get along, as always it’s people who mess up their getting to know about each other period, but we would personally never want a dog any more since we have had the pleasure of sharing our home with peaceful and companionable cats.
Mariah a declawed cat is a crippled cat and can develop many mental and physical problems because of that cruel operation, if you adopt a declawed cat you need to be prepared for the heartache of watching the cat unable to do what cats do, unable to dig their claws in to exercise as cats need to, to jump and balance, to groom properly, to grab a toy to play with. You trim your dogs claws surely, it’s as easy to trim cats claws too. Yes far easier to have a vet amputate a cat’s toe ends but imagine the outcry if vets declawed dogs too! Yet cats feel pain as much as dogs do.
Almost all declawed cats develop painful arthritis as they age, if you love dogs you must at least feel for other animals, so please HELP US stop this abuse of cats.
Again, cats knead. The bathroom was a safe enclosure. I was proud they pood in the shower. I don’t condone declawing but would adopt an already declawed cat.
It’s a wonderful feeling when a cat kneads on you, it doesn’t hurt in the least if you put a blanket or towel there for them to knead on, a cat kneads when he is happy and content and those of us who love cats, love them to be happy.
Anyone who doesn’t get to know cats is missing out on such a lot and once someone starts understanding cats, they are converted for life.
There’s no need for a war between cat lovers and dog lovers, this was a fun article about it and about ‘live and let live’
I fight for animals of ALL kinds all the world over because they are ALL innocent victims of humans, it’s heartbreaking and hard fighting abuse and my consolation is the love of our own cats and the sharing here on PoC with other cat lovers.
It would have been of no concern to the authorities because they were well taken care of.
My comment was that they could be trained to use a litterbox. My dogs are not. I take them out every few hours so they can do their thing and get fresh air. My dogs have never had the need to potty indoors. Small dogs can use litter and my dogs were in the bathroom as a safe roomy containment while we tended to something urgent. I assure you my dogs were well taken care of and I am not stupid.
Cats knead. It hurts.