Cat Photography

Persians can be quite passive and uncooperative in the photographic studio. Bengal cats are fantastic in the studio. Full of activity and providing great, fleeting poses with a wild, wide-eyed intensity. Persians just sit there with a take it or leave it attitude. Can you blame them? Of course not. Cat photography is by people and for people.

This grey Persian is staying put. Forget cat wrangling. Forget the cat tease. She is doing what she wants to do and the “people” can take it or leave it.

The ironic thing about it is this. The Persian profile is not that great. It is flat. There are almost no features.

Cat Photography
Photo by Michael

If you want to read about cat photography, the following link takes you to some pages: Cat Photography.

In the picture, Helmi is using a high quality digital SLR Canon camera with a moderate telephoto lens. The picture is taken by flash light from 4 lights around the cat.

15 thoughts on “Cat Photography”

  1. I love the way Jozef is so confident and definitely going places. Their grace is marvellous. Think how long a human has to train to walk the high wire, kittens pick up this kind of fence walking within hours.


  2. All cats are amazing. These very difficult actions are normal for a domestic cat. Some cats are better than others, though. Jozef is very good. Nice picture and a good place for a cat because there is plenty of “wild”.

  3. Jozef walking along a 6 foot high fence, one inch across, he moves like a ballet dancer

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