Cats: Like Father Like Son

A nice picture from the Facebook Pictures of website. This Facebook site was started by Elisa with the intention of connecting to PoC and promoting PoC but somehow it didn’t connect and has become a free standing entity although the name probably does advertise PoC. Thanks Elisa. Elisa posts some PoC stuff there, sometimes, and so do I.

This is the Facebook page (opens in a new window):

Here is the picture, which I believe I have the right to publish here. The cats look like British Shorthairs.

Like father like son - Cats
Like father like son – Cats


9 thoughts on “Cats: Like Father Like Son”

  1. We don’t assume anything, do we. when totally zonked out like that. bless’m! sweet dreams in the catnip, butterfly fields, babies!

  2. Oh, Michael! You, too, are adorable! ;D

    Who doesn’t have cats that lay on their backs, totally in their comfort zone, because –why? Because WHEN you look at them, well…what can I say. prrrrr…prrzzzz… what can you say. 😉

  3. I expect you were hoping for something a bit more profound 😉 Sorry if I disappointed. Sometimes you can bump into pictures you like and which say a little bit about cat behavior too.

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