DW Selected Cat Pictures

One of these pictures (the 2nd one down on the left) is a collage of two pictures taken by Dorothy Wandruff of “Old Marvin”

Old Marvin goes on the night time walk with Daisy every evening he is around. He’s an extraordinary cat. I will get a better picture and post it when I do.

You can read about Marvin on this page: Meet Marvin. I am still waiting for Dorothy’s “better picture” 🙂

The other pictures of cats are I believe in the public domain. If I have made an error please notify me and I will respond promptly. They are thumbnail pictures so you can click the pic to see a larger version and a short caption.

Finally, here is one I took yesterday of Charlie sleeping on the bed where I often work on the website because it is comfortable. He is amongst the books that I often refer to. Books are better than the internet – more reliable.

Charlie and Books
Charlie and Books

He is a little black panther amongst the books about wild cats. For me as a photographer in the 1970s, what I find amazing about this ordinary snapshot is that it was taken in near darkness. The camera I have took about ten photos, quickly one after the other to build the picture. It has a slightly soft feel for that reason. The thumbnail version shouldn’t be on the page but I can’t get rid of it without getting rid of the other version at the same time. The camera is a Sony Cyber-shot G DSC-HX20V.

5 thoughts on “DW Selected Cat Pictures”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Of all the moggies the ginger tabby boy cat is probably the best for character. That is obviously my opinion and very much a personal opinion.

  3. I hope you are right Marc. It is still warm summer here, though the nights are cooling. Marvin has made little dents all over the garden where he either lays following the sun, or the shade depending on the time of day. For now, he comes in the house for social time. Making the rounds, meowing loudly. Sometimes he’ll lay next to Daisy but keep talking. Then….he’s done. Back outside he goes. If I close the door when he is inside he’ll stand next to it and holler. I hope you are right. Given time and trust that I’ll open the door, maybe he will hang out longer. I put the heated bed out there already so he will get used to seeing it. He loves the cover so there is hope. Of course, he’d be welcome to live inside always, but I don’t think that is in the stars for this cat. Bigfoot is glad of that.

    If that is true about ginger cats, if ever I just HAVE to go find a cat (probably never, as they find me) I will pick a big orange ginger tabby.


  4. Marvin looks like a wise boy. He has been around the block literally and metaphorically. I’d like hear some more stories about him if and when you have some time. Charlie likes to lie amongst the books and on my legs. I think he feels at home with tigers around him.

  5. It’s nice to see Marvin again Dorothy. Thanks! There is nothing that makes me happier than to see a happy and satisfied cat. I also have a bit of a thing for those orange boy cats.

    I love their sense of adventure and general curiosity mixed with being very laid back. I think that describes them. When they are busy they are busy, but when they are relaxing then they are all up for cuddles and whatever you bring to them. At least that’s how my Red was. Marvin looks happy. So sweet that he and Daisy go for walks together. I know a big dog called Daisy, but she is neither calm enough nor quiet enough towards the cats and kittens she lives with. I hope Marvin will sleep on a heated bed this winter like you proposed. He will then be totally set. I’m sure he will let you close the door when he is inside just as soon as he realises that you will open it as soon as he asks you to. Thanks for the photo and little update 🙂

  6. Nicely done Michael. Charlie looks exhausted from his study!

    That Marvin is a most unusual cat. He loves to walk with Daisy. I think there will be many stories around old Marvin.

    Thanks for the entertainment!


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