F1 Savannah Kitten Prince

In this video I introduce Prince, a beautiful, high quality (in every way) F1 Savannah kitten. He is princely in appearance. I wanted to show you a baby F1 Savannah because you may well have seen the famous adult F1s, Magic and Titan.

Below the video is a description by Kathrin Stucki who with her husband Martin raised Prince on their farm in Oklahoma – A1 Savannahs. Kathrin describes Prince’s connection with her daughter Leonie and the fact that Prince was pre-sold before birth. This applies to all F1 Savannah cats, it seems, that are born at A1 Savannahs.

…”Prince was spoken for before he was born. Prince stood out in the litter, the day he was born. With a bright golden coat and bold black spots just like his African Serval father, he captured the attention of everybody that came to visit the farm.

Being bottle fed mostly by our 6 year old daughter, Prince became a children’s cat. He used to sleep in our daughter’s bed and in return she would allow him to play with her stuffed animals. He is so beautifully designed by nature that when he sat in the middle of Tim the Teddy bear and Kitty the stuffed Ocelot, one would hardly notice that he was real.

My daughter Leonie wanted to keep this boy so badly, that she offered to trade him with two of her favorite stuffed animals if I could promise that they would be going to a good home. As much as I would have wanted to make her dream come true, I had to explain her that he was promised to a client and that his children could hardly wait to meet him.

The day came, when the two said good bye and Prince was put in a carrier. “Tim should go with Prince,” Leonie said and kissed her favorite little Teddy bear good bye. After a two hour drive I met my client to hand over Prince. Being such a prestigious cat I was reluctant to leave a scruffy little stuffed bear in the carrier. I reached into the carrier, attempting to take Tim out before handing the cat to his new owner. But as I was looking in there, Prince was laying down with both paws gently wrapped around the bear looking at me with a puzzled face. So I let them go together as cat and bear, starting their new life together…”

F1 Savannah Kitten to Savannah cat

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