Four-Legged Robot Based on the Cat

This fast moving advanced robot was modeled on the domestic cat and walks like a domestic cat. I guess the designers were smart enough to realise that the cat is a bloody good model upon which to design a four-legged robot.

The robot called “cheetah cub” is robust and uses mechanical components that mimic a cat’s leg movements when walking. The robot’s gait is an exact copy of a cat’s gait. It is interesting to watch this in the video because the robot does walk like a cat.

The people who designed and built it say it is more “autonomous” because of its elasticity and stability. I suppose the word “autonomous” in this context means more able to keep walking on its own over difficult terrain without the intervention of the human operator.

The intention is to refine it and use it for work in areas such as search and rescue. Perhaps there will be a military use too (sadly).

The robot is a recognition of the super anatomy of the domestic cat.

Note about the video: sometimes, over a long period of time videos fail to work because they are removed from YouTube for various reasons.


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