Good Times With Milo

By Darlene Burrow (Fond du Lac, WI, USA)


Milo one afternoon was very interested in this strange music that was coming from outside. She didn’t know where it was coming from beside from outside. She was laying down in front of the sliding door which was open but the screen door was closed and locked. From my living room she was cocking her head to the left to the right and straight forward wondering with great interest what that music was for.

Soon she had found out the strange music was coming near and nearer and she had seen it in sight it was an ice cream truck passing through.

When she had seen the truck her interest was even more she was cocking her head all the more and stocking the ice cream truck too for the very first time Milo finally knows what an ice cream truck looks like and she knows that funny sounding music comes out from the truck too. The ice cream truck comes by a lot so Milo is getting used to the fact that it makes noise!!

One other day in the afternoon Milo was laying near the sliding door again and noticed something was buzzing around the screen door. I looked and saw that it was a bee or two on the screen door but on the outside of it.

Milo had gotten freaked out and she started pouncing and pawing the screen door trying to catch it. I was laying down in the living room on my bean bag chair. I called out her name. Milo was paying more attention to the bees than anything else. When I called her name she turned her head to me and meowed real loud. She was really afraid of that bee

Otherwise life is going great! As long as I am so ever blessed with my big baby Milo. I would love to add pictures to this page but I had tried many of times lately to add pictures of Milo but it just won’t let me anymore.

God bless all of you and take care.


6 thoughts on “Good Times With Milo”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. thank you that means a lot to me and even though i truly miss molly she is at peace forever and suffered way to much before hand so it was the best to put her at peace in god’s loving arms thank you for caring

  3. Hi again Darlene, I’m so glad you and Milo are well and happy and she has settled so well in your new home.
    Sorry to hear about Molly R.I.P
    Take care

  4. Hi Darlene. Well done in finding your way around the new website. It is is a bit different. Cats do help us through difficult times because they are very reliable. They are there for us. Unfortunately they live much shorter lives than us, as do dogs, so we have to say goodbye to them a lot of the time.

    I hope you are OK. Take care Darlene.

  5. thank you that means a lot to me and it made me feel good too!! milo has been helping me through this hardship in my life right now which my uncle tom and grandma’s dog had suffered so much that they had to put her at peace in god’s loving arms on june 15th 2012 its a really hard time for me and my family too for the loss of molly the blood hound dog she was only 5 years of age but she is happy and healthy now all the time now

  6. Hi Darlene. I love your relationship with Milo. You are a very gentle person and that is very refreshing to me. You have a beautiful relationship with Milo. A lot of people could learn from your relationship of love and acceptance. Thanks for visiting again and sharing. Take care Darlene. And my love to Milo.

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