Introduction by Michael
This page is in memory of Mischief. A visitor to the site, Claire Louise Harpham, recently made a comment about her cat Mischief.
This is the comment….
Sadly yesterday our beloved cat Mischief passed away in my arms. She was 20 years old. We do intend to keep her ashes in a suitable container when we collect her from the vets next week. We have had her individually cremated so we know the remains will be her.
In life Mischief would always sit pressed close to myself when I was sat in the living room and cried when I left the room. She hated being alone and loathed going outside. Because of this we know she would want to be near us at all times. We have another 5 cats and have decided that as each passes we will have them cremated and add them to the urn.
When my time comes my husband or our children will add the cats to my own ashes and we will then be scattered together so we will always be together in death as we have been in life. My cats are my babies and are throughly spoilt and very loved.
Their soul is free and I feel I’m only keeping the container of their spirit. I was a funeral director and really believe the body is just somewhere the soul is contained in life and once we die the soul is free. Some may think I’m being selfish by keeping Mischief, and in the future my other girls, in an urn but I know she is happy and free.
I’m sorry if I’m rambling on but I’m still grieving for Mischief, 20 years is a very long time to live with a loving companion. R.I.P Mischief.
A P.S……Our cat Mischief died yesterday at 12.56 pm in my arms on the way to the vet to have her euthanised….Yes she was deaf, a bit senile and had accidents on the carpet, sofa etc but I adored her and she was so happy right until the very end. In fact she was laid purring in my arms looking right into my eyes when she finally fell asleep.
She’d had a huge stroke, which was why we were taking her to the vets. We had been debating for a couple of weeks about if it was ‘her time’. She was getting very wobbly and even fell over a few times, she also could only eat wet food as biscuits were too much for her to cope with.
She became thinner over the last few months but she was happy, purring all the time. She was becoming increasingly distressed at being left alone. Her days were filled with sleeping, only waking to eat and wobble towards the litter tray area, but she didn’t manage to use the tray, she just went in the general area. But I spent my time cleaning the floor, feeding her, loving her and tending to her coat as she no longer groomed herself.
My husband and son knew time was coming for us to take her to the vets and were trying to persuade me to let her go. When we got home yesterday from doing the shopping she had, had a huge stroke and was paralysed but still able to breathe. We called our vet and took her straight there. She passed in the car on the way as I said earlier purring and surrounded by love.
We have arranged for her to be cremated and then we will bring her home and keep her in a special urn where as and when time comes for our other 5 girls to pass they will join her and when I pass they will be buried with me.
Claire Louise Harpham
From Michael…Thanks for visiting and sharing your memories of Mischief. Twenty years is a long time. You get very attached over 20 years. Your cat becomes part of you and your life.
I have the same feelings and ideas as you about cat companions.
What a beautiful way for her to say goodbye by staring into your eyes and purring its so obvious that she had a very special bond with you. Reading your story I did shed a tear as memories of the loss of my beautiul babies came flooding back 🙁 May she rest in peace and I don’t think you are selfish at all with her ashes I think what you want to do is wonderful. Take care and please let us know how you and your other cats are getting on time is a great healer.
You have come to the right place here at POC, Claire.
We all understand your grief.
She was such a pretty girl.
R.I.P. Miscief.