These are the latest photos from Leanne, she says:
‘B/W……What does it mean to you?’
It means black and whites to Kays Hill and lots of them, so many that we need two posters this time.
Second to completely black cats there seems to be a lot of black and whites in Rescue Shelters.
They are very beautiful cats, equally so as any other colour.
We have two black and white cats, I think everyone has seen dozens of photos of our Walter and Jozef, they are a very photogenic pair.
Our first black and white cat was Bert and we’ve known many others over the years since then and will be digging their photos out to share here of course.
Do you have a black and white cat or do you know one?
We will look forward to seeing the photos of all them, here on PoC
This is Mr Jinks (so named by my hubby) he comes every day food morning and evening. He’s a lovely cat but I do think he’s a stray. Trying to get him to the vets to see if he’s chipped is a nightmare as he’s never around when I’m free to take him. I hope I can find his owners or a nice home for the winter. Takers anyone?
What a handsome boy
She’ll only drink from this green, glass jug
Yes, bless her. It reminds us that cats are creatures of habit just like us.
Nearly forgot about Tinkerbelle who lives with her dad Tommy, an old friend of mine and a cat lover and Kays Hill supporter, sadly it’s not a very good pic
bless her x