Leanne has sent me the photos of these gorgeous tabby cats and has included her own cat Lenny.

I told her as he is so beautiful I would make him the centrefold cat of the poster.
She replied:
‘yes my Lenny is beautiful, he’s very shy though and doesn’t really like people, he’d be horrified if he knew he was a centrefold!’
So please will no one tell him I have not only put him centrefold but I have gold framed him too.
I love tabby cats, especially brown tabbies, I must post a photo of our own brown tabby Bryan, he was a wonderful cat but his life was too short.
It saddens me that cats lives are very short in comparison with ours and that some people don’t value cats lives as they should be valued and so many end up in Rescue Shelters like Kays Hill.
Do you have a tabby cat or had one in the past, or know one? It would be lovely to see lots more tabby photos here.
Associated: list of pages on PoC when searching for “kays hill past and present” – there is some good stuff here.
Awww bless him x
pat is on b/w page, 1st photogragh. slighly chunky, bit grumpy. sounds a lot like me!! lol.
dare not break it to him ruth. it would bring him out in spots at the thought!! lol. poor fella, he is such a wimp. he dosnt even sit in the window like the others, i think hes scared ‘outside’ will get him. he is a lap cat and sees no reason to be anything else.
dont know the story of poor mitsi, but it isnt going to be good, i’m just glad that at the end she was being looked after. sweet, sweet little cat.
Bigfoot is gorgeous, we couldn’t get tired of seeing that lovely little face