An eleven week old ginger tabby kitten living in East Yorkshire, England has been shot with an air gun. This is not unusual in England. It is normally, idle, feckless youths with nothing to do, who amuse themselves by harming cats. Strange behavior.
The 5 mm pellet went into his face just to the right of his left eye. You can see the mark in the picture. The pellet ended up in his neck under his chin.
If the pellet had entered his face one centimetre from where it had it could have ended his life.
He has been named “Ron” after the ginger haired Harry Potter character, Ron Weasley. Ron was cared for by Priory Vets, Driffield, East Yorkshire. The Bridlington, Driffield and District branch of the RSPCA will rehome him if Ron’s owners don’t come forward. Foster carer Julie McManus is caring for him in the meantime.
As usual, cats shot and hurt by people show a wonderful character trait. They seem to accept it and get on with life. Perhaps this is because they don’t attach the injury to someone. Ron is still a charming character and does not appear to be in pain. Ron is a very loving kitten who loves to be fused over.
He is about to get tons more of that.
I have to finish on one stark point: the difference is behavior between the person who shot the pellet and the kitten who was shot. Their characters of these beings are at opposite ends of the spectrum. I don’t need to spell out who belongs to the shitty end.
I won’t bother to quote any law about this being a crime because no one ever gets caught for these sorts of crimes. Depressing for people who care.
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
So sad but very lucky Ron is. His life could be over but no he is very strong. LOVE YOU RON!!!!!!!!
Frank Tolins is a troll. There’s a rule about trolls which always works
They feed on response, though I can see why you published it Michael, the comment illustrates a tragic basement dweller perfectly.