Loving Cat Pictures

Here’s a nice selection of cats ‘n love pics. Cats are wonderful subjects for photographs when they form friendships with other animals. I must thank Dorothy Wandruff (“dw’) in California for finding these pictures which I have decided are in the public domain. If I am wrong please tell me in a comment.

Although not all of these cat pictures are cats ‘n love style pics most are and dw knows I love interspecies friendships. For a human it is something special to see. This is because humans are so damn bad at it. Sometimes, we can’t even get along when we are from a different country or have a different religion or a different colored skin. There is so much conflict in the world. To see a cat being friendly with a cow or a young deer is a sight for sore eyes. Just for a short time it lifts the spirits.

These are squared-off thumbnail images. If you click on them you’ll see a large version that is fully framed.

The Sphynx cat, whose name is “Piglet”, is a therapy cat. I am certain he is very effective in his work because hairless cats do stand out and get people interested and talking; just what is needed in a hospital or hospice. The black cat and the peas should have illustrated the article by Elisa on the surprising foods cat love.

Can you see the fifth ginger tabby cat in the picture of the cats on the steps? It looks like there are four. Red tabbies are popular and for a good reason.

The picture of the cat carrying kittens is a sand cat; a small wild cat species that lives in deserts. They are cute looking but genuine wild cats with a fierce spit when needed.

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