Macabre: Throwing Kittens From Moving Cars

Kitten garbage

When you think about it, throwing kittens from moving cars is a macabre combination of car culture and treating animals as rubbish. How bizarre is that? It is a perversion of normal human behavior.

What is this connection between cars and kittens? Why have the “kitten throwers” got a kitten in the car in the first place? The act of throwing a kitten from a moving car is exactly the same as throwing a cigarette butt from a car or some other item of rubbish. It is treating a living, feeling creature as rubbish. How did people arrive at this mentality? I genuinely regret to mention that it appears to be, predominantly, an American phenomenon. Note: there are millions of great cat caretakers in the US so that is not an anti-American sentiment, just a description of fact as it appears to me.

I would just like to briefly discuss what is going on when people actually throw kittens from cars.

If a person has a kitten and wants to get rid of the kitten quickly and even in a cruel way, they could simply put the kitten outside where they live in a public place and walk away. That is highly irresponsible and cruel but it is less cruel and less irresponsible than throwing a kitten out of a moving car.

I can only think of two reasons why a person throws a kitten from a moving car:

  1. the person or persons are inherently nasty, unthinking and cruel and/or
  2. they are drunk or on drugs and have temporarily lost any sense of decency or rational thought.

It is a gross act of cruelty and moral corruption to throw a vulnerable creature from a moving vehicle. Cars will be following and the likelihood of severe injury or death is high. The kitten will suffer a lot of pain, distress, fear and anxiety.

Do the people who throw kittens out of the windows of moving cars know that they are about to cause all these emotions and injuries? Of course they do, unless they are drugged up and a temporarily “out of their heads”.

In which case it is an act of clear, wanton animal cruelty and a crime. The act of throwing away a kitten in such a flamboyant and cruel manner indicates a total lack of morals and sensitivity. What happened to these people?

Why is the kitten in the car in the first place? I have never taken a kitten in a car except to go to a veterinarian. I have to presume that these “kitten throwers” are not taking the kitten to a vet. This begs the question as to how they acquired the kitten and why (s)he is in the car.

Perhaps they simply saw the kitten by the side of the road, stopped the car, picked up the kitten, messed around with the kitten until bored and then tossed him out of the window without even stopping.

If that is the scenario, all I can is that these people are lost souls who are completely out of touch with any sort of moral base to life.

I sense that the horrible cruelty of this bizarre behavior is a symptom of the poor standing the cat has in the USA amongst a part of US society. I also believe that the relationship between people and animals, in general, allows this to happen. Hunting animals and the desire by some people to hunt feral cats indicates a mentality that says, “animals don’t feel pain and as humans we can do as we please with them”.

Associated page: The good Samaritan rescues a throw away kitten.


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