Maine Coon Shot with a .22 Rifle

X Ray of cat leg shattered by .22 bullet
X Ray of cat leg shattered by .22 bullet

Quentin is a rescue, rescued from my back yard this winter. I thought at first he was a Raccoon because of his size. I turned on the deck light and realized he was a Maine Coon eating bird seed under my feeder. When I watched him walk I noticed a limp. I went outside with a bowl of cat food and called to him.

He talked up a storm to me and limped my direction. I coaxed him into the garage and he was lovable and friendly. The next day I took him to my vet and he was full of fleas (he slept with me that night away from my other cats lol)  and also had a tapeworm.

Right now I am debating whether or not to get his leg fixed. My veterinarian said he was shot 3 to 6 months ago. He is approximately a year to year and a half old and a wonderful family member now.

I don’t know if fixing it would be to his benefit you can see by the X-ray it was pretty shattered. I don’t want to put him through any more trauma and would appreciate some opinions.

Thank you…


17 thoughts on “Maine Coon Shot with a .22 Rifle”

  1. Thank you, if it’s okay (I am a poetess and Reiki practitioner), I would like to post about Aristotle and the importance of innoculating our pets. I innoculate all my pets and take very good care of them. I have six cats who are spoiled rotten 🙂

    Love and Light

  2. I appreciate all of it from everyone Michael! I have to be completely honest of my mental attitude, I was wild when I saw the xray my vet took. She said what we are seeing is fragments from the .22! At that time she didn’t suggest surgery we just made sure he was given all his shots, flea medicine and tapeworm medicine. When he went back for round two of the Feline leukemia shot is when she suggested surgery down in Port Washington or at the Appleton surgery clinic. I want whats best for Quentin so he has a full and happy and pain free life as much as possible. Quentin is such a joy!

    I lost a Balinese last March 2012 to Feline leukemia, he was the love of my life and lived beyond all expectation after diagnoses. I told Quentin “Aristotle” sent him to me because he knows Quentin will be loved.

    I will contact my vet and see what they have to say. Thank you so much for all the comments…

    Love and Light

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