Mighty Quinn

I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through. ~ Jules Verne ~

“I remember one bobcat they had in here – now bobcats are an endangered species in this neck of the woods – they’d caught it somewhere and they must have put that cat through a dozen rounds of burn experiments before they finally determined that it was utterly useless to them. Like an empty beer can. And then you know what they did to it? Claudius was late for a lunch date so rather than put the destroyed but still breathing animal to sleep, he picked it up by its hind legs and simply smashed its head against a wall repeatedly until it was dead. How can I forget it: I was the one told to clean up the mess. The head dented in. The eyes slowly closing. The once proud claws hanging down, stunned and lifeless, the utter senselessness of it all, and the hate, a hatred that was consummated in me which is as dangerous a hormone, or chemical, or portion of the brain, as any neutron bomb. Except that I didn’t know how to explode. I was like a computer without a keyboard, a bird without wings. Roaring inside. I wanted to kill that man. To do unto others what they had done unto me. I was that bobcat, you better believe it.”

― Michael Tobias, Rage and Reason

Mighty Quinn


For in the snow was found
eating birdseed to survive
majestically he sat
through darkness he arrived

Frightened that he was
with gentle words I spoke
He wouldn’t let me near
to give a gentle stroke

For three cold lonely nights
I watched for him each day
I noticed how he hobbled
injured and afraid

I finally coaxed him near
with food for him each day
his eyes he locked on mine
a pleading you might say

My eyes they filled with tears
for his hunger and his pain
I know he knew my heart
he rolled for me to play

I took him in my home
and dubbed him mighty Quinn
he follows me and hobbles
like little tiny Tim

His warmth and love apparent
I brush his thick soft coat
He rolls upon his back
His belly he loves stroked

I hold him in my arms
ever close unto my heart
his little motor runs
We’ll never be apart

He was sent to me
from one I lost afore
many tears were shed
for Ari my amore

I know he spoke to him
for here he would be safe
for here he would find love
He’s in a better place

So at frosted window stand
I hold him in my arms
and point up to the hill
where Ari had me charmed

Tears well up in my eyes
mankind they are so cruel
to take our tiny creatures
and shatter these sweet jewels

But now within my lair
he’ll ever be so safe
Much love I have to give
to my sweet little waif

Carolee Dennis-Woosley
February 23, 2013

10 thoughts on “Mighty Quinn”

  1. Of course they do, if they didn’t have a soul how could they have feelings? 🙂 they would be androids…

    Thank you for your appreciation of my poems Rose

    Love and Light

  2. I love your poems Carol and of course cats have souls how could creatures so innocent and pure not have them?

  3. Thanks MIchael, I’m much better, just feeling a bit delicate and sensitive to light now.

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