Mrs Thatcher’s Cat Pussikins

Although there is nothing on the Internet (as far as I can tell) about Margaret Thatcher’s cat, I’d like to briefly discuss the topic on her recent death.

The tough side of her softened about ten years after she resigned as Prime Minister. Apparently, she began to behave more like a granny than the iron lady of British politics.

Whatever people think of her, and people are very divided in their opinions, she was a lady and she had some great qualities. She was loved and loathed but never ignored.

She acquired a cat to live with her in five-storey property in Belgravia, central London. She adopted the cat from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, which is not very far from her home. I don’t know the sex of the cat but I’ll guess he was male and he was a fat ginger cat. He was probably a red tabby cat. That would be very suitable for her. Red tabbies are meant to be pretty sold characters.

She named the new resident herself. She called him “Pussikins”. That name tells us a bit about Margaret’s personality. I think it is fair to say the name is a little unimaginative and old fashioned. The name indicates to me a lack of real desire to connect with her cat but that is a big guess. That said Pussikins had his own chair in the drawing room.

We have to credit her for adopting a cat and rescue cat at that. The idea may have come from one of her many friends and visitors. Perhaps the idea behind it was for her to have some company and to slow her down a bit. She was a very energetic lady who only felt right when she was doing something.

So, was Margaret Thatcher a “cat person”? Do you think she really liked cats? I don’t think so. She had a kind side and she was always well mannered. She was photographed petting a dog when sitting in Battersea Park with her carer and police officer not that long before she died of a minor stroke while reading in bed at the Ritz Hotel where she stayed for free.

Once again, this indicates a kind side to her character. She wasn’t unkind, although many people such as the miners would strongly disagree with that.

26 thoughts on “Mrs Thatcher’s Cat Pussikins”

  1. Marc she turned the rich against the poor, the old against the young, the employed against the unemployed and that’s what Cameron is doing again now.
    First he targeted women in their late 50s who had already faced one age hike to their state pension age with a second age rise and of course forcing those with no private pension (like my very own sister) to work to 65 and 1/2 which means less jobs for young unemployed people who are blaming older people for blocking jobs. Older people having to work are of course resentful of those young people living off their lifetime of hard work from 15 years of age and resent paying in even more in contributions, many young people have never worked, some want to, some don’t. Can you imagine how my sister feels having to don a uniform and turn out to work and seeing young people strolling past in the sunshine, smoking, drinking, going to the nearby tanning salon. She loves her job and is good at it but with age related painful osteoarthritis how is she to manage another 6 years? Cameron is finishing what Thatcher started. They are turning employed against unemployed, childless people against families and the people of the North ARE being affected more than the South. Now they are spending millions of ££ of tax payers money on a woman’s funeral when they say they can’t afford pensions,etc…
    Yes it’s childish dancing in the steets and celebrating but maybe it’s the only way some people can cope with their helplessness at what is happening to our country.

  2. The fact the people openly danced in the streets and celebrated her death is incredibly childish. Not only are they disrespecting her but they are being rude to the millions of people who voted for her more times than most. It’s all over the papers here – photos of childish people burning pictures of her. What a bunch of losers. And I am not even saying I like her at all. I was quite young then – probably I don’t really like her but I am not a complete baffoon with no respect for anyone and just out for a bit of showing off. She did alot of things good and bad. Where would england be without her – we don’t know. She was pretty awful but celebrating her death is something people who have time on their hands and no job or decent reason to live, do.

    England is such a wierdly divided country compared to all the countries I have been to and the ones I have lived in. I went to public school – it’s something you have to hide in England. In england everyone is always saying “Oh well it’s alright for you then is it, well it’s not for us – poor us” – incredible snobbery between rich and poor as well. It’s a bit of a social disaster. What a shame that’s where all the interesting people live 🙂

    I remember years ago my mum calling up the council to ask about a question of being able to park in front of her own driveway to save space for residents who don’t have their own driveway – and we had a second car. It’s logical. Let people with driveways and a second car park in front of their own driveway to make space for others.

    You know what the council member said to her (in Kensington and Chelsea borough btw) – “oh – well it’s alright for you lot with bloody driveways” followed by just hanging up on her. In england people are so prejudiced they can’t even see when somebody is trying to help and I have always found it to be so. I hope I don’t offend anyone as I know some of you live there. I had to fake my accent just to get people to take me seriously there.

    I doubt she was much of a cat lady. I do think she caused enormous divide in and that will never leave the UK. IT will be forever a place where people are saying “it’s alright for everyone else but what about us”.

  3. I have the impression that her advisers advised her to adopt Pussikins. At the time she was losing her mental abilities and was more reliant on the advice of her friends. I have a feeling the relationship between her and her cat as not that close but to be fair to her I am guessing.

  4. I didn’t know Mrs Thatcher had a cat, I couldn’t imagine her loving an animal but of course if we don’t know a person ourselves we can’t judge that.
    Yes there is an awful lot of bad feeling here in the North East and some people celebrating her death as she ruined so many miners livelihoods and a lot of towns never recovered. There is still huge unemployment here even now as our Railway works were closed down too and men who had worked there all their lives found themselves jobless. You can imagine the despair felt here right now that Cameron doesn’t care about the working class of the North either and the present cuts are affecting people here very deeply.
    I haven’t been to South Shields for many years now but have a friend who has a friend there and he says just like our County Durham, it has never really recoveed from her targeting of the workers.
    I won’t be celebrating but I won’t be sadly watching her funeral on TV either, our late dad would spin in his Garden of Rememberance if I did, he hated her!

  5. I’M not really sure why someone would adopt a cat if they aren’t a person who loves cats,but you are right when you mentioned that cats are great far as her being a “cat person”,probably not.

  6. In 1985/86 during the Premiership of Margaret .Thatcher i was a young 25 year old Marine Engineer studying at the “South Shields Maritime College” at South Shields in North East England .I was naive to British politics but did overhear conversations at the local pubs about Margaret .Thatcher’s economic policies favouring the rich, most commoners at the pubs against her iron rule.I lived in South shields for approx 5 months, experiencing Britains worst winter but ultimately passing my ” Marine engineers Exams”. Decades later on the death of Baroness MargaretThatcher i was surprised to view that a group of North-East English citizens, former miners, will be actually celebrating the death of Mrs Margaret.Thatcher! This brought back memories of my 1985/86 visit to North-east England and i now realize that a large number of the working class miner population of Britain lost their jobs and livelihood due to the policies of prime Minister Margaret.Thatcher, hence loathed by the community. Kudo’s to “B.B.C” for showing World viewers the uncensored version two faces of popularity of Britains longest serving Prime Minister.”Pussikins” is a funny name for a cat and the lucky cat to have been saved by the Iron Lady.

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