My Cat Likes To Hear French

By Michele Vernet

I make sure my 2 cats are in at night. So, usually, I have to go hunting for them with my flash light and pick them up.

One evening 3 months ago, I could not find Seymour and became worried. I started singing a French lullaby and immediately Seymour showed up and seemed totally enchanted to hear French.

I am a French native but never speak french, only rarely, when I run into my French friends in Garland.

Seymour loves for me to speak french to him and I find that funny and wonder what to think of it. Was he a French nobleman in another life? A wealthy courtesan?

Anyway, all was going well until DD, my husband’s brother’s beagle visited and stayed home 2 or 3 days and we had to keep our kitties outside much to my chagrin and puzzled kitties. Now, they are not easily brought inside and Seymour does not respond to my French lullaby or niceties.


Salut Michele, bonjour, comment ça va?

Thanks for visiting and sharing. I think Seymour likes the sound of your voice when you speak French because the sound is more melodious and soft. Cats like soft voices, gentle sounds as they indicate friendliness and cats live in a world of giants. For what it is worth, that is my theory. Or, as you say he was a Frenchman in a past life 😉

I think Seymour will come around to your French niceties again. Perhaps he is just a little bit upset about the whole affair and is yet to settle down to his previous style of living. Try American English is a sexy soft voice 😉

Moral: cats love routine. It is also reassuring.


15 thoughts on “My Cat Likes To Hear French”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yes that just about sums it up Rose. It’s sad that some people don’t take cats emotions into consideration because like us they feel bewilderment and hurt feelings if someone treats us unkindly for what seems no reason.

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