My Shrimpster is an unassuming red tabby. Rescued at five weeks, he had both upper and lower respiratory infections so severe, eyes glued shut, that he was left blind in his left eye and unable to “meow” until he was three yrs old.
He looks up at me, eyes wide, opening his freckled mouth to meow endearingly his question. “May I please have my turkey, now?”
I scratch him lovingly behind the ear, open the fridge door; he stretches up, front paws on the top shelf, and looks over his shoulder into my eyes… oh, my goodness, I only wish that I could take a picture.
The sweetness of the moment does not allow it. maybe, soon. 🙂
Hi Cal
I have just seen your post. Thanks for sharing. You did great work getting My Shrimpster to good health. The sort of illness he was suffering from is so common in rescue cats. A recent post I made is about a group of cats all of which were blinded by the herpes virus. This is the post:
Compassion is the first requirement for a vet
Shrimp likes turkey. My boy loves chicken and ham but not turkey. You’d think that if he loves chicken he’d love turkey, but no.
Try and get a photo to me. You can use the same form or email it to me. Try this email:
m [at] pictures-of-cats.org
replace [at] with @
Michael, I just took everything I could. My door is unlocked. Make sure my mother knows. She never understood my love of animals. And Shrimpie, besides my daughter, me back er understood.My daughter, Madeline understood.
Shrimptar is always in my visual. I promised I would die, if he passed away. Thanks is why I am writing tonight. Please find a way to take care with all your heart and soul. Thanks.
Caroline, you say:
With respect, you should not be guessing what is wrong. If your cat has an eye condition that is getting worse there is only one thing to do, isn’t there? You decide.