New Pet Food Stamp Program Announced

By Elisa Black-Taylor

A new pet food stamp program has recently been announced in the U.S. to help those with pets who fall into a low income bracket. Currently figures show more than 47 million people have benefited using the U.S. government run food stamp program. This new program is run not by any branch funded by the government, but by a New York State (NYS) non-profit corp. pending and is currently waiting for their tax ID/EIN number. It’s funded entirely by contributors and patrons to the program. In the meantime, here’s a little information on how the program works and how you can sign up for it. For more complete information, please click on the image below:

Pet Food Stamps
Pet Food Stamps

Expect to be told the site is expecting difficulties, as there are quite a few people all trying to get their online applications filled out. I was able to access the site by refreshing the page several times. There’s a very short questionnaire to complete where the applicant gives name, address, phone number, email address and the number and type of pets that need the program. The application page states that with the backlog of applicants it could take up to three weeks for a PFS representative to make contact.

The new pet food stamp program is not affiliated with any government agency as the regular program is. A recent New York Times article stated that “animal shelters have seen a rise in the number of cats and dogs being surrendered as owners face unemployment, home foreclosures, evictions and other financial hardships.”

Shoppers in my area do a lot of gossiping at the checkout register, especially after seeing a shopping cart full of meat laid out waiting to be scanned. I’ve spoken to cashier’s at the supermarket after watching those with food stamps (EBT as it’s called in my area) check out a grocery cart full of chicken and hamburger meat. Several cashiers have told me those people were using their government food stamps to purchase the meat for the family pet, as EBT doesn’t cover pet food.

Once a family is verified and approved, an order will be placed with The amount you receive will be based on how much you’re approved for and the number of pets you need to feed. The pet food website is a go between between the pet food stamp program and the consumer and is not affiliated with the food stamp program itself.

Should you be turned down for the pet food stamp program, the good people at Pet Food Direct will give you a 10% discount on all orders over $49 by using the code DONATE2PFS when you go through checkout.

The next goal of this organization is to find a way to offer discounted veterinary services to families with low income.

I wish this new organization much success. This type of assistance has been needed for a very long time. For those of you wishing to donate to this new program, information is given on the pet food stamp website


3 thoughts on “New Pet Food Stamp Program Announced”

  1. Our local Cats Protection co-ordinator Marion was recently trying to fathom out a way to help people in financial difficulties feed their pets rather than they have to relinquish them to CP or other Rescues.
    The problem is those of us who care are already at our limit supporting local needy cats in care and also the pet food collection point Babz has at her funeralcare office for many years, has almost dried up, very little cat food is being given now as people just can’t afford it.
    The pet food stamp program is a wonderful idea but I can’t see our government supporting one here as they care nothing about poor people and even less about animals.

  2. This is really nice of them to do and I hope they figure out a way to do it to where those who need it the most will get it. I just hope this doesn’t encourage people to get a pet that they can’t afford otherwise.

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