Our Cats Love Christmas. Do Yours?

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Walter and Jozef started theirs when the postman arrived with the parcel containing new catnip mice we have especially made with the best quality catnip. I put it on the table but Jozef sniffed it out lol and bit and tore the envelope open which prompted Walter to join in too.

Do Your Cats Like Christmas
Do Your Cats Like Christmas. Collage by Ruth

The next mice which arrived for them from a cat loving friend were already wrapped in bonny paper but didn’t last long under their little tree.

The scratching posts had already been claimed and now they only have one parcel each left, knitted catnip mice from another friend, but meanwhile they’ve discovered a new game, with red tissue paper of all things! A sheet floated down and opened up a whole lot of fun to be had.

They’ve been Supercats in red cloaks, hidden under it and sprang out at each other and us, played with mice and balls under it, drove it along the carpet, used it as a tablecloth, but it got so tatty we had to go and buy a new pack of 5 sheets as it has really fascinated them both.

Visitors give us a strange look seeing bits of red tissue paper around the floor but as we are both known as Catwoman here they realise there must be a connection lol

Of course it’s folded up and put away if we leave them alone, Christmas especially is the time to ‘think cat’ and leave nothing around they could hurt themselves on or swallow.

Should we buy another pack and wrap up for them for Santa Claws to bring or will they have tired of it by then?

Who knows lol

Ruth aka Kattaddorra

13 thoughts on “Our Cats Love Christmas. Do Yours?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I think you should get anothe pack of tissue as I don’t think they will tire of it ours never do!!

    Lovely to see them enjoying themselves so much and so lovely they have their own tree!!

    Our cats are part of our family as well so naturally they are part of our Christmas; a huge part in fact!

    Hope you and your boys have a fantastic tissue paper filled Christmas!!

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