Pictures of Cat Scans

What can a person say about cat scans other than they are feline fotocopies! No, that is incorrect as they are felines that have been scanned by a scanning device. Although they look like color photocopies.

Rather than putting a sheet of paper in a scanner you put your cat on the scanner. You don’t try and close the lid because that won’t work. You just push or click the scan button and hey presto you have pictures of cat scans like these below. By the way I am guessing that is what you do because I have never done it, I am pleased to say. If I am wrong please tell me.

Cat Scans
Cat Scans. Credits: top left: by heatherpalmer-, top right by judgedbyitscover, bottom left by celia, bottom right by monsthings.

I suppose one limitation is that you almost always get one viewpoint or angle: the feet and belly. A particularly pliable and accommodating cat might lie down on his side which would provide a nice variation. What a relief.

What you do get is an interesting abstract pattern of feet and fur. The fur provides a nice texture.

I have to say that cat scans seem to be a desperate attempt at creating something new along the lines of the cheeseburger, funny cat cat picture. “How can we get a picture of a cat that looks different, guys?” “Ah, I know, we scan a cat”, someone replied.

I am not going to get all grumpy over this genre of cat image. I’ll just say that although I quite like the images, I positively do not like the way they were created. Although,  I am sure a cat won’t mind much. One or two might get a bit twitchy when the scanning light tracks across their belly. I just don’t like the idea of using the domestic cat all the time to create images as a source of amusement. Please can we change the subject matter? The age of the funny cat picture, other than proper ones that provide information is over or it should be.

What about these cats? Well the first three are tabbies, one being tabby and white. The cat bottom right seems as though she could be a calico semi-long haired cat. They all seem to be moggies. I am probably wrong on the last one.

I’d like to briefly thank Marc for bringing the cat scan to my attention. I don’t have anything more to say about them. Perhaps someone can leave an enlightening comment.

15 thoughts on “Pictures of Cat Scans”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks for the support Ruth. I hope they are not being forced, I don’t really think a cat being forced would stay still enough to complete a scan anyway.

  3. It’s good to have our own opinion on ‘grey areas’ Marc, it would be wrong and very boring if we were all yes men/women and didn’t voice our own thoughts. If a cat chooses to do something himself it’s far different to being forced to if he doesn’t want to, just for peoples amusement.

  4. I don’t drink and I listen to electronic music 🙂 – but when I was a teenager I loved the music fo the 60’s. But going out in London in the early nineties you couldn’t avoid the whole electronic thing. Yet I thought it sounded fairly repulsive before that. Funny how things change over time. A Ford Capri actually looks pretty cool now. I’m serious.

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