About me and contact details – a bit out the person who built the site. | |
Ethos – purpose of this site | |
Partners and links– these are websites with whom I have exchanged links. | |
Link Exchange – a page where visting people who own websites can prepare to exchange links with this site. | |
Aknowledgements – a page where I list some of the people/organisations etc. that I think I should thank. | |
Where the money goes – this site has charitable side to it namely cat rescue. Some money is given away. This page lists the recipients and amounts. | |
Copyright Issues – This covers copyright matters in reference to this site and more. | |
Pictures of Cats org Advertising – Potential advertisers can learn a bit about the policy regarding advertising on this site. | |
Site Map. This is an archive now as the site became too large to map. It has some use still. |
this is my cat “Dude”. i cal this pic “Dude’s sad day”
Are the dates correct for some of the comments (July 2012)? I keep wondering where in the heck I was that I missed articles on Carcals. They are stunning cats. I love them.
Summer 2012, I was in the midst of a huge TNR. That’s the only way I could have missed out.
That date is correct Dee. This page shouldn’t really get any comments.
A friend emailed a series of pix, one of which showed several young lynx-type cats with the typical tufted ears tipped black, and body color was red similar to a red fox. Can you identify species from this description?
Hello, by species I resume that you mean wildcat species. The cat you are referring to is the caracal. Thank you for visiting and asking.
I have a bengal cat. I have a few important questions related to her health, diet and medication. Is it possible to chat online with Mr Michael Broad or speak on phone? Kindly let me know. Thanks.
Hi Pooja, you can email me. My contact details are here. You can use IM on google mail or skype me on michael.broad7
Thanks for visiting.