Pictures of Cats org Videos — Titan (see him charming the children) and small child – photo ©Kathrin Stucki.
The top twelve only here (there are 64 at mid Oct 2009) – please scroll down: These come from the broadsurf channel on YouTube. Broadsurf (that’s me, Michael Broad) is a partner at YouTube.
I decided to select my ten favorite videos and put them here, in one place, for easy access.
Of course, as I continue to make videos the list will change.
Tips about making videos:
- get a HD camcorder as it all going that way. I use a Flip HD (cost me about £140 so not expensive).
- produce professional titles. Recently I upgraded my videos by commissioning a person to create a title sequence. Why? Because it was cheaper and better that way.
- don’t rush
- use simple video making software that you fully understand rather than complex software that you half use.
- keep it short – people have short attention spans on the internet
- provide full credits to people who deserve it
- don’t steal material – meaning use material that is creative commons (copyright licensed) or licensed for use by you
- aim to become a YouTube partner to get the benefits that come with that such as customised channel and monetization.
My top twelve videos starting with the best at the top (maybe):