It is the time to write about a charity donation funded by the PoC Comment Charity Scheme. Before I address that subject, I’d like to mention the £100 donation made by Marc Poberejsky, a regular and well-regarded contributor to PoC.
Marc’s Donation
Not long ago, Marc made an extremely generous donation of $1000 in memory of his cat Red and this is another donation, this time to the Wear Valley and Darlington Cats Protection branch, which boosts Ruth and Barbara’s donation of £92.11 that was raised through their fundraiser. That makes a highly respectable £192.11 for cat welfare. Wonderful.
I can confirm the donation has been made via PoC for ease of management as Marc lives in Switzerland. Marc donated £100 to my PayPal account and I made the donation via the Cats Protection website using my debit card.

The reason why I am spelling it out is because it is important that everything concerning money is done with a high level of transparency for the sake of engendering trust. Trust through honesty is a feature of PoC and the family of cat caretakers that it has become.
PoC Comment Charity Scheme – August Donation
The total number of comments at this time (11:44 am) on the last day of August is 2351 [17560 (present) less15209 (beginning of month)].
At 5 cents per comment that makes a very healthy $117. Converting to pounds we have £75.50. The final figure will be a fraction higher when I count comments later today.
I hope people are pleased. I want to most sincerely thank everyone who has commented and contributed. It is important as it keeps PoC alive and motivates me. PoC is unique in giving the sums of money that it does to cat charities. We should be proud of that. PoC has been giving to charity since 2008.
Choose a Charity
I would like some suggestions as to which cat charity should receive the £75.50 for August’s donation. There is no need to rush but ideas would be useful to me as it broadens the scope of what can be done with the money.
Update — Made a donation of £76 to Ark on the Edge:
Ahh – oops! Thx for reminding me – I knew I was having a short term blank – I wasn’t connecting Dylan, who I remember of course (he’s a cat!) ..and Ark on the Edge 🙂
I want to thank Marc for the extra wonderful donation of £100 for CP and Michael too for making it all possible and being the in-between man and passing the donation directly to Marion. Also for the last month’s donations generosity, I hope whichever charity or charities receive this month’s donations are as thrilled as we were last time. POC must be the best cat site on the world wide web! Thank you.
Hi Marc, I did an article and pics on Dylan the cat on the harness at our CP fund raising day, who fund raises for Ark on the Edge
we just met him and his caretaker Chris and some of the Ark volunteers for the first time there.
We’ve known about that Sanctuary for a while but haven’t actually visited them yet as it’s a way out from us, but we hope to go on Babz next week off work at the beginning of October.
You are welcome – glad I could help 🙂 Ark on the Edge? Have they done an article on PoC?
I think it’s fair that the charities of regular contributers are the chosen ones,I haven’t seen yet any stories from the others who benefited other times apart from Cats Protection League and Kayshill.Forgive me if I missed those stories though because I’m only here spasmodically and that’s why I never nominate any myself.
It’s a great sum this month Micheal well done.
The donation by Marc is wonderful and couldn’t come at a better time for Cats Protection and I know Marion and all volunteers are very grateful for it because it means more cats and kittens can be helped.
Thank you so much Michael and Marc for all the donations you have both given to our two local Rescues, CP and Kays Hill cattery.
We will always bring you the latest news from both places in return for this kindness.
We can’t expect another charity of ours to benefit so soon but one day, maybe when other cat charities have had a turn, we can ask for help for Dylan, the fund raising cat for Ark On the Edge who are another charity struggling to care for many cats and kittens.