Presidents Putin and Bush should avoid cat art!

The internet cat phenomenon has infiltrated the minds of the world’s leaders past and present so much so that they feel compelled to draw or paint them.

First Russia’s President Putin drew “something” on a classroom white board while visiting a Kurgan region school. One of the pupils asked what is was! Frankly, that is not a good sign as to the quality of his drawing. Putin replied:

“It’s a cat. The rear view.”

You could have fooled me and he did fool the classroom. His drawing begs the question as to why he chose to draw the back end of a cat! Why not a side view? I think it would have been easier. The fact that he chose a cat at all indicates how the internet cat phenomenon has entered the subconscious of our minds, bombarded as we are all day and every day with “funny cat pix and vids”.

Presidents Bush and Putin cat artwork
Presidents Bush and Putin cat artwork

Former US President George W Bush’s attempt is better. He is known to paint dogs. He appears to have become slightly bored with painting dogs and wants a new challenge although I think he is a dog person.

He painted a black and white moggie lying on top of what looks like a fridge. Cats like to be on top of tall fridges. I wonder whose cat it is.

You may know that Picasso went through various phases in his art such as the Blue Period, Rose Period and Cubism etc.. Well, George W Bush has gone from his “Dog Period” to his new and exciting, “Cat Period”. As he has painted 50 dogs we can expect 50 cat paintings.

What do we think of George’s art? I have to be brutally honest and state that for me it is decidedly average and rather crude. However, the fact that he is painting and enjoying it, is good. He is not frightened to show it off. Perhaps he thinks it is better than it is.

12 thoughts on “Presidents Putin and Bush should avoid cat art!”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Michael, thanks to INTERNET GOOGLE” and “WIKEPEDIA” that i found the answer to President George.Bush naming his cat “India”. In fact there was a protest in my Country about a cat being named after a Country. Read about it on this link to wikepedia on “Teachers Day”. :-

  3. Great comment Rudolph. Thanks. Perhaps President Bush thought “India” was a name for a person and had no idea it was a country 😉 “India” is used as a female human name as I recall. Quite a nice name.

  4. I hate it when people get a dog and if it doesn’t get along with the resident cat it’s the cat who has to go!
    It’s that ‘cats are second class citizens’ thing again 🙁

  5. Yes. I seem to recall that he had a solid black cat named India. She died somewhere around 2008-2009 at 18 years old.
    His painting is better than I could do too. But, I would have expected it to be better considering he has had an art teacher for quite some time.

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