Pro-declawers Should Dethorn Their Roses

Declaw your cat and you have to remove all sharp objects with which you come into contact with
Poster by Ruth aka Kattaddorra

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra

This poster and article were inspired by Marc who made a very apt comment on another article about the people who have their cats declawed because they are frightened the cat scratches them.

He wrote:

‘The people who declaw cats should also go out in the garden and remove all the spikes on their roses and brambles so they don’t get spiked. If they want to walk around and not have to make any effort for anything and have everything ‘made safe’ for this mindless lazy lifestyle where everything suits them then they should stay at home and not even go in the garden. Least of all they should have a cat. Perhaps they should eat and drink out of bendy plastic so there is no risk of anything sharp happening in their stupid lives.

But definitely cut all thorns off all roses because they are a danger and roses must be dethorned’

How I agree with him!

Cats don’t scratch for no reason, they are usually provoked and this is what people don’t like, that the cat isn’t a vulnerable bundle of fur to handle in any way they choose to.

Some people with children especially don’t like that a cat has a means of self defence, they have him declawed ‘for the kids sake’ Not a thought to teaching their offspring to treat the cat gently. A warning swipe from a cat soon teaches a child to respect him as a living creature with feelings, to learn that he is not a toy.

Life is full of objects with ‘sharp parts’ but we don’t remove them, we respect them.

Take a rose, we wouldn’t grab at it without expecting to be pricked by the thorns on its stem.

So it is with other sharp objects, they, like cats claws, are there for a reason and we don’t go around removing them all like some people have their cats claws removed.

A cat’s claws are there for many reasons, they are essential parts of the cat, not only for his protection, but for the way he walks, for exercise, for jumping, for grooming, for playing.

If anyone wants a cat but doesn’t like that he was born with claws because he needs them, there is a simple solution:

Adopt an already declawed cat!

There are many sitting in Rescue Shelters, unwanted by the very person who paid a vet to amputate their toe ends.

Don’t condemn another healthy clawed cat to painful surgery to disable him, let him go to a home with someone who truly loves and understands cats, their claws and all.

So, pro declawers who still think declawing a cat is acceptable, need at the very least to go and dethorn their roses right now!

Ruth aka Kattaddorra

P.S. from Michael. This is such a good point. There are hundreds of ways we can cut or prick ourselves and we accept them. Yet, millions of people can’t accept the same remote possibility from a cat. It is remote, too, because if you know cats you are never scratched. The problem is not about the cat but the person.

I don’t take pleasure in criticizing people who declaw. It is not about that. It is about accepting and respecting the cat. The whole cat. If people can’t do it, steer clear of cats or learn about them.

Associated: Cat Declawing Myths and Truths.

28 thoughts on “Pro-declawers Should Dethorn Their Roses”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Happy, Special Birthday to You, Marc! I hope that you get a tiny, precious gift from the heavens!

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