Red and Marc

Red and a Bike
Red. Photo by Marc.

A video of Red, a loved, red tabby cat who died too soon. He was loved by Marc. Marc contributes to this site by making interesting and useful comments. This video was made by me as a thank you. Marc will no doubt make some comments to fill out the story of his beloved cat.

Of course the material for the videos was provided by Marc. You’ll see slightly strange formatting in the video section (vertical). I am not sure why Marc’s camcorder recorded like this. It actually makes no difference. It may even improve it.

What message do I get from the video? A joie de vivre from Red and piles of love from Marc. And that simple but powerful message comes through in Marc’s comments too. There is a free spirit in Red, which for me comes across very strongly.

At the end, the video presents other versions one of which is the one above. Another version is very short and just video material. The videos are held on Vimeo. I have an account with them.

There is nothing really clever in the video. The motto is keep videos short and simple. I evened out the exposure of some of the video material, faded in some still images at the beginning and at the end, and added some words.

19 thoughts on “Red and Marc”

  1. Great Michael – absolutely. I can’t watch the music one without bursting into tears – but it’s all very nice music and so on. I’d suggest the vid or red and the trampoline and a couple of photos of him in a vid accompanied by the vid of Red and Lilly snuggling. So 2 vids in one article … And throw in whatever stills you want of him.

    Another article I’d suggest is 2 vids – lilly on the train and lilly with the mat 🙂

    We can worry about my current trio of lilly molly and gigi after.

    …and gigi in canada after that 🙂

  2. I am pleased you said that because it was a very sweet life but the bitterness is the early loss. I wanted a slight hint at that but I don’t know if Marc disagrees with that. He might!

  3. I’ll do a second one and add some more pictures. I’ll change the name to Lily and re-upload it. I have learnt that less is more on videos and even articles most times. It is trying to get a “feel” rather than providing information. I hope you found it at least satisfactory.

  4. Thank you Dan. He turned out to really love the snow. That was his first time seeing it and being in it – literally he jumped down off the balcony and went out into the garden and I started the video recording. You can see he is chasing the falling snowflakes. He always acted sill when I was watching jumping up on trees and stuff. He was quite silly when I think about it – he loved to dart around.

  5. You are right – his life was perfect. I’d say the only difficult moment he had was right after his operation when he first came to our new apartment and I kept him in for a few days. He had an operation and was in a new place so I didn’t want to let him out right away. He stayed close to me those days and I took time off work to be with him. He got a little sad being stuck inside but it was very short. Other than that he was always busy playing with me and going on adventures or sleeping happily. He was a happy cat.

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